Roof talks. - Derek.

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"You have his eyes you know?" I say, sitting upright on the roof as I cross my legs underneath me.

Derek slowly rises up from the tiles and rests his arms on his knees. "I wish I didn't." He sighs.

I shake my head, disagreeing with him. "I like that about you. I used to have nightmares of him staring me down with those eyes. But now, seeing you with them it makes me feel different. Feel better in a way. As if I can see those eyes again for the first time."

"Am I like him?" Derek whispers, focusing his eyes beneath him.

"No," I reach over and place my hand on his forearm. "You are so much more. You're a good person Derek. The person I wish he had been. You have light within you. A light so powerful that it shines on everyone else."

He kisses me softly and then pulls back.

"I'd be crazy to let you go. But I know I'm going to want more, baby. I've barely even touched you and I know already that I want more. The thought of another man holding you, touching you, it drives me insane. I'd want you to be mine."

His words make me feel warm inside. Words I dream of hearing Mr. Right say to me. Words of commitment and loyalty.

It's not love at first sight. I know I don't love him. I haven't lost my head entirely. But it's more than lust at first sight. I don't want him sexually. Like he said I want more.

It's loyal at first sight.

I saw him and I knew I only wanted him.

I smile softly at him. "Then take me, I'm yours."

If it's even possible, his eyes darken at my words. I can practically see the desire swirling in those lust-filled eyes.

He grips my hand and stands up. I follow suit.

"Then that's exactly what i'll do." He says gruffly.


As we walk down from the rooftop we run into another wolf and I can see it since Derek let go of his grip around me.

"She's mine." He growled.
"She can be if you just bid on her."

I don't know what it was but something inside of me told me to go Derek, But I couldn't bring myself to move.

"Mate."  The man growled back.

"That's not possible." Derek pushing me behind him causing the other guy to growl louder.

"You've made him angry." I scoff out to the man.

"Who your wolf?" He chuckles.

"The wolf was already angry, but now you've made the alpha furious." Derek mutters at him.

The man in front of me and Derek grew pale, very pale.

"A-alpha?" He stuttered.

"Bingo." He grins at the man.

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