Gif! - Dylan.

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"Dyllll!" I whine, pushing the boy off of me in the water

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"Dyllll!" I whine, pushing the boy off of me in the water.

"Oh cmonn! Let me hog my girlfriend while my family is gone!" He jokes.

"At least let me get a snack?" He nodded at me smiling. I knew what he was up too. "Go ahead do it." I gave up.

"YES! JUILA SHE SAID YES!" I saw the childish man run out the water to his older sister.

I shook my head at both of them. "I can't believe I'm letting you drink Dylan."

"You never let me drink a lot! Only if I hangout with the cast you let me." He groaned.

"Did you forget about who has to take care of a hangover, a baby Dylan and a dramatic man?" I roll my eyes at him.

"I won't be like that this time!" He swayed me in his arms kissing my head over and over again.

"You always say that then it ends up you in baby mode and acting like you are gonna die because you won't stop throwing up." I murmured at him.

"Hey! I like getting your attention so if it makes me have to get sick to earn ALL of it? Then I'll take it plus, it takes you out of work and me so it's just ussss." He smirked.

"Whatever! Get drunk but tomorrow morning I'm not kissing you and you know why." I gagged at him in disgust.

"Oh cmon! Just because I throw up-"

"No. I'm not kissing you until you brush your teeth and drink something." I pushed his chest lightly and walked off back to the water.

"CRAB! CRAB! HELP ITS GOING TO PINCH ME!" I screamed, running around on the sand

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"CRAB! CRAB! HELP ITS GOING TO PINCH ME!" I screamed, running around on the sand.

Dylan looked up laughing at my frantic self.

"Y/n come here baby! I'll keep you safe." He yelled in my direction.

I ran over to him while jumping into his lap, wrapping my hands around his neck, straddling him.

"It was," I said in between breaths. "gonna kill.." I took a breath in again.

"Babe, breathe. Relax it's not going to kill you. You are in my arms now and if it wants to hurt you then it has to get through me and I'll easily kill it." He pecked my lips while laying down, pulling me down with him.

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