Beacon hills- Stiles.

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I was grabbing some books from my locker. I felt his hands grasp at my waist as I turn around seeing his hazel eyes gazing back at me. His small smile that makes me melt.

"Well hello to you too baby." He chuckled.

"I was not expecting you at my locker, don't you have class?" I question.

"We have the same class so I came here to walk you to class. Would you like that?"

"I would love that."

As we were walking into class, me and Stiles sat down behind Allison and Scott.

"When are they are going to get together? They like each other it's so obvious." I whined.

"He is in love with her, if you heard the way he talks about her- 'shEs soOo bEaU-'

Scott turned around as Stiles was mocking him. "I do not! Liar! Y/n I do not say that!" Scott glared at Stiles.

I burst out laughing laying my head down.

"Oh he definitely does." Stiles smirks.

"Oh really? So should we talk about how you talk about your lovely Y/n?" Scott teased.

"Hey woah. Let's not go there man." Stiles replied.

"Tell me!" I lift my head up.

"Well-" Stiles put his hand over Scott's mouth. "No he won't." He finished for him.

"You are no fun sometimes." I groan.

"What's the fun if you know?" He teased back.

"Just get to work already you dork."

"On it sugar."


"Y/n i'm confused please help me- how do you put these pieces together?!" Stiles whined.

"Ask Scott! I'm busy."

"Ugh. Scott, how do you do this?" He said in frustration.

"It is not that hard Stiles, it's art class bro." Scott turned around annoyed.

"Well I'm not good at art."

"That's too bad just go for it."

Stiles turned back to me and started whispering things in my ear.

"Are you a parking ticket? Cause you've got FINE written all over you." He whispered.

"Stiles I swear to god." I snapped back.

"You know you love it." He laughed.

"Yeah I love when you kiss me and you shut up." I smiled back.

"I love when you look at me with your eyes." He looked back at you.

"Stop being so cheesy!"

"Can't help it, you make me weak."

"SIMP!" Jackson yelled out.

"Shut up you little fuck-" Stiles was about to scream out at him.

"If you finish that sentence don't even think about meeting in the locker room later." I called out to stiles.


"No but's."

"That isn't fai-"

"Life isn't fair."

"uGh let me talk-"

"Suck it up baby."

As we left class me and Stiles went our separate ways. He went to his jeep to get his lacrosse stick and I went to my locker to get my jacket.

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