Dad Talks

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Jughead POV
That night nothing else happened between me and Veronica but a kiss.
We talked pretty much all night and it was nice. We were both pawns in the game of love between Betty and Archie, so we had some sort of connection.

It's morning now. Veronica was asleep on the cot and I fell asleep on the chair. I woke up to the sound of Veronica moving around.
"Hey where you going?"
"Sorry I woke you up! Just to Pops for breakfast, do you want to come?"
"Yeah I'll come, my dad might be there and I actually have a shift starting soon."

I get up and check my phone:
10missed messages from my dad
3missed calls from dad
2missed calls from Betty
2messages from Archie

I ignored them all but Archie's and told him sorry for missing out on going out with him.
Veronica called a car service and we walked to the edge of the forest to meet it.
We got in and eventually reached pops where we payed the car then went in and found a booth.
"So what you going to do about your dad?"
I sigh, "I don't know, I'll probably have to sit with him and talk through everything, the I'll have to apologise to Betty for ignoring her."
"Yeah I'm gonna call it all off with Archie then try and talk with Betty."
"Well I know she's missing you but she's putting on a good face,"
We both laugh and order our food.

Our food comes, we begin eating when we hear shouting outside. Reggie was yelling at Ethel, I can understand Ethel is annoying as hell! Reggie storms in and spots me and Veronica and sits down with us.
"I swear I might just go and run away from her wrath, she so touchy and she tried to kiss me, then I pushed her of me and she hit her head. She's now blaming me for feeling faint!"
"And this Veronica is a time we should be grateful for our mini drama with our partners and not deal with that!" Me and Veronica laugh but stop when we see reggie annoyed
"Can any of you trade partners with me, just for a couple of days."
Me and Veronica look at each other and at the same time say, "I'll do it!"
"Wow desperate much? It's only Ethel!"
"Nah we are both trying to run away from our partners right now and not deal with whatever comes next," Veronica says sighing
"Veronica you could take Ethel for a bit if you want, she won't try to kiss you like she has me before!" They both look at me, "it was a trade I kiss her for something I needed,"
"Ok thanks juggie, I still need some time," I looked at her when she said the name Betty gave me, but she didn't seem bothered.

Veronica and reggie left to go and sort out the trade whilst I went to the back and changed into my uniform.
I walk out to the front and clean up my booth when from behind I hear, "BOY!!!!"
My dad! Great! I turn around to face him and say, "welcome to pops, take that booth and when I have a break we talk,"
My dad hasn't really got any other choice so he listens but glares at me the entire time, which gets really annoying.

Every time I heard the bell on the door go I prayed for a large crowd but who am I kidding it's Riverdale and only a few people came in.
"I think you need to talk to you dad jug, that's his fourth coffee this morning!" Pop said to me
I gave in and sat in the booth, not giving him eye contact
"Boy! What was that yesterday? You take of and don't go missing all day then show up this morning like nothing is wrong!"
"Jeez dad calm down its not like my family is falling apart, oh no wait, it is!"
I look at him dead in the eye, angry and hurt.
"Look jug, you must know that me and your mum weren't doing well, this shouldn't come to a surprise, and yeah I understand that moving In with the coopers is a lot but I do like Alice a lot and you and Betty are friends right?"
I don't answer him for a while then say, "fine dad you win, sorry for running off,"
"I want you to apologise to Alice and Betty too, that are really worried! I have to go for a meeting with Hermionie Lodge now so boy, you better make things right!" He takes on last sip of coffee before leaving me to clean up.

A little while later, Sweet Pea and Toni come in with their babies. I was still working and had 20mins left on shift so I went up to them to take their orders
"Hey guys, what do you want?"
"Answers!" Toni demands
"Yeah that and a burger?" Sweet pea asks
"One burger coming right up!" I say and walk of to the kitchen and wait.
I could hear Toni yelling at sweet pea.
I collect his burger drop it off and walk away.

Toni and Sweet pea are still here and my shift ended 10 mins ago but I didn't, despite my dad saying so, want to see anyone so I call for support from someone.

And 10mins later they walk in the door, "hey what do you need jug?"
"Hey Veronica can you just pretend that you need me for something important then can we just rush out the door?"
"Um sure? Come on we need to go!"
I follow her out, feeling me fellow serpents eyes on me.
We go to Dilton's bunker just to let some things cool off but when we get there someone's waiting for us in there.

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