Date and Coming Drama

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Betty POV
I was excited for my date with Will today, he's really sweet and kind so I really think this could go far in the future.
I let my hair down with a bit of a curl at the end, since Jug I've decided for a change.
I wear a blue sweater and white trousers. I finish up when I hear a knock on the door.
"Hey will your early!"
"I was excited to see you and have this date!" Aww that's sweet!
He takes me to his car where we drive to the movies.
"So what shall we watch?" Will asks
"It's up to you," I say
"How about.....(movie name)?"
"Yeah sounds great!" I say
We get popcorn, drinks and ice cream and go and sit down in our seats.
The movie starts and I feel Wills hand find it's way into mine. I don't know what it was but it didn't feel right but I didn't move it because I really like him and I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

After movie:
After the movie we drive to a park and walk around a bit, hand in hand.
"So Betty tell me about yourself,"
"Not much to tell, dads a serial killer, crazy sister, I guess that's how everyone sees me right?"
We stop and will looks at me, "I don't think that about you Betts," that's name he gave me, jug gave me, before I reply he kisses me, and I kiss back. After a bit he pulls away and says, "I've been waiting for the right moment, I hope we're okay?"
"Yeah of course but I kinda just dealt with, I guess you could say break up so could we take this slow please?"
"Anything for you Betts!" And we continue that walk in the park just talking then he takes us back to the dorm and we say goodbye
I walk in and just have a big grin on my face, he made me feel how Jug used to make me feel, like I wasn't the Black Hoods daughter, I was me.
"Girl! HELLLLLOOOOO! Tell us about this date?" V and Fangs says
"He made me feel amazing and we kissed!"
"OMG! YOU KISSED HIM!" Kevin says coming out the bathroom.
"He kissed me but yeah, I really like him!"
"What about Jughead?" Fangs says and v hits him
"Jug has been distant and he said to move on so I am, with a great guy!"
"I mean Will Newman is cute ngl!" Kevin says avoiding looking at fangs
"B are you sure about this, Jug could come back at any moment!"
"Yeah you know what I've waited, texted and called and he didn't really say much and I don't think he's coming back so.... I like Will and I don't want him to wait for me like I've waited for Jug when it isn't going to happen if he's there and I'm here. I understand he's with his family and dealing a lot so I'm doing him a favour and cutting myself from his life and schedule so he doesn't feel forced to talk to me!" I yell. I go to the bathroom and change into my pjs and climbed into bed ignoring my friends.
Jug has been gone for ages and there's a high chance he isn't coming back.

Jughead POV
It's October. I've been avoiding everything and one. My mum died 3 weeks ago. I suddenly felt a sense of loneliness. My sister and dad have been glued to the side and I've been in my room everyday since.
I've ignored my friends and Betty. I do regret hanging up on her but after that day my mum died so talking to Betty just brought back my pain that I felt that day.
I felt bad for ignoring everyone but I feel like they just cannot help me.
I've been talking to one person who's been keeping me updated on everything to do with Betty and school, mainly Betty.
She called me yesterday and told me nothing new.
But that won't be going on for long because my dad told me I'll be starting school in a week.
I hope I can fix my life.

Veronica POV
I've been calling Jughead for a few weeks and telling him how Betty is. We've been talking about what's happening with him as well and it's hard to talk to someone who's lost their parent. I've lost my dad to money and power but it's not the same.
I haven't told anyone about talking to jug and about his mother. I also haven't told him that Betty went on a date. He told me he's coming back to school in a week, he'll be here to make a mini entrance for the Halloween party. I didn't want him to come to school annoyed, so I didn't tell him about Betty and decided to let him see what's been happening for himself.

I'm worried about Betty, she is broken about Jug but he's broken about his mum and family. It's hard to talk Betty out of going out with Will, who seems really nice, but he's not who she should be with, jugs the one for her, not Will, Dylen or even Archie.

She lashed out a bit earlier when I was saying about maybe waiting a bit longer for Jug, if she could just wait a bit longer, a week, she'll be with Jug again, but she lashed out and said all these hurtful things which were true.

I'm hoping me and kangs can sort of slow down Will with Betty, I mean they've already kissed and it took jug and Betty like 6 months to kiss. Will is going fast and as sweet as he is, he and Betty won't last and I don't want her heart to break as much as it already has. Her life hasn't been amazing and she needs Jug to be there for her, when we can't. Will could be there for her, just not in the way jug would be.
So eventually I tell Jug we should surprise everyone at the party Cheryl is throwing for Halloween, little does everyone know, a lot of drama is about to come crashing down and I'm the only one expecting it......

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