As a family

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Jughead POV
On July 24th Juliet Ronnie Jones was born at 4:37am.
She's got green eyes like Betty and my smile.

Betty's labour was hard, the baby wasn't turned the right way and she had to have a C-section. She's in recovery now while Juliet is with the nurses being looked after and monitored. She's premature so she has to have special care.

I'm sitting next to a sleeping Betty now. I look at my wife-to-be, she's so beautiful how did I get so lucky.

"Mr Jones?" The nurse said poking his head in.
I walk out and he says, "she's perfectly fine, she's just early and underweight but for premature babies that's normal, we are bringing her in now. You cannot hold her yet but once she's been monitored even more, you can hold her. Congratulations."
"Thank you, really thank you. How's Betty, would you know?" I say concerned
"She's just tired and the anaesthetic has just sent her to sleep, she'll be awake soon. Also visitors can only come in now two at a time, for the baby's sake."
"Thank you." I say and wait patiently until my baby is being pulled in on a wheeled cot.

I move my chair next to her so I'm in between her and Betty.

"Hey. Hello little baby. I'm your daddy. Or dada or dad whatever you prefer but I'm going to protect you and soon when your older, you'll be serpent queen and take over from us. And here's  a little warning, you'll never date till your 35 or else I will chop your boyfriends balls off." I say in a baby voice

"Hey... can we come in?" Veronica says with Alice
"Of course come in guys."
"Oh jug she has your smile and Betty's eyes." Alice says gazing at the baby in front of her
"What's her name?" Veronica asks
"Juliet Ronnie Jones."
"Ronnie!? After me?" Veronica says
"Yep, after mine and Betty's best of best friend."
"I'm so honoured, hello, I'm your auntie, godmother, protector and your best friend ever!" Veronica says looking at the baby.
"Oh jug, when I found out you and Betty were dating, I'll be honest I wanted to murder you. Then when you got my sweet innocent Betty pregnant I wanted you to suffocate in a coffin under ground. I'm so happy you guys got drunk and had this little one. Who knew drinking could result in this?" Alice says admiring  my daughter
"We'll much like you, I won't let this one date till she's 35. Or I'll murder and chop his balls off. So we're in agreement there, and now I know not to mess with you Alice."
"Oh jug I really love you." Alice says hugging me
"Okay so I'm gonna blast text the gc about this." Veronica says
"Go for it." I say

The sleepover squad gc

V-hey guys I have news!
K-omg I was sleeping what? 😒
C-never wake me up!🤬
T-cmon tell us, why did you wake me up😩
F-calm down guys, only a couple more days of school, they are all grouchy😯
V- today my niece, goddaughter Juliet Ronnie Jones was born!🤪
T- guys can we blow off the last two days to come over?

"Looks like she's gonna have more visitors, before they come crashing down reg and Fp can visit her." Veronica says
"Bye bye baby." Alice waves
"Argh I can't wait till my baby boy comes! They'll be besties, and dating." Veronica says then whispers the last part.

My dad and reg come in next.
"Dude she is the definition of cute!" Reg says
"I'm proud of you boy. Who knew an ugly thing like myself could make you the you could create this!" My dad pats me on the back saying
"Wow thanks dad."
"Did you sort it out with her." Reg asks
"Yeah before labour."
"Great, or else it would have been real awkward." My dad laughs

They leave after and I'm left with Betty and Juliet.
"Mmmm hmm." I hear behind me
"Betty!?" I say
"Jug hey. Where's Juliet?"
"She's right here. Look there. Isn't she beautiful. Your mum, Veronica, Reg and my dad have already visited and Kangs and choni are travelling over."
"Ah that's great. I love her so much. She so beautiful juggle. Have you held her yet?"
"Not yet. The nurse told me she's perfectly fine they just have to watch her a bit more before we can hold her."
I can't stop smiling, my cheeks genuinely hurt.
"Jug your really happy."she says yawning, "you hold her first, your so excited I won't take no for an answer." Betty says holding my hand
"Thank you Betty. I swear your second! How you doing, you went through quite a hard labour?"
"I'm okay, I mean I'm tired a bit but I won't sleep when I have her next to me. Wow, it's only 6:56 am. It's early. Wait, jug how long has it been since you slept because before my water broke, you weren't sleeping?"
"Uh like 30 hours."
"What?! Go to sleep I'll be fine. Go home and get us clothes, have a shower anything, just relax."
"I'm not leaving you or this baby unless it's when we all go home as a family."
"I know I'm not winning this conversation."

An hour later a different nurse comes in.
"Right Elizabeth, oh sorry Betty, ready for nursing your baby?"

Baby project: a bughead storyWhere stories live. Discover now