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Betty POV
I was going down to pops to meet up with Dylen. I didn't see Jug this morning, but i in a way was trying to avoid him.
My plan was to take his glass after the date and send it to a friend I have in the FBI to test who that are. I didn't trust him after I found out he lied and I felt bad for being rude to my friends who were only trying to help.
I go into pops to find a smiling Dylen in a booth,
"Ah Elizabeth! You came!"
I smile and sit down, "hey Dylen!" I say all flirty, this guy is actually so dumb but not so dumb to convince me he was actually a nice guy.
"So what do you want to order, I'm paying!"
"Erm just a coffee would be great?"
"Okay, I'll have a tea and eggs on toast! Waiter! waiter!"
A upset pop came out the back and came to our table, "you called?"
"That's not how you speak to me! I want a coffee, tea with milk and eggs on toast!"
I gave pop a apologetic look and he nodded and left.
"God! Americans, so rude, anyway Elizabeth, I have confession!" I start to listen to see what he says
"I have a liking for you and would like to go out again!"
I roll my eyes without him seeing and say,
"Oh Dylen I would love too!"
He smiles, ugh! What a lying asshole, or arsehole in his term!
Our food comes and we eat and talk, well he talks and I listen, he really loves himself!
"I was world champion in swimming 3 years in a row!"
Wow amazing! Love a good talk about you swimming!
"Oh wow! I bet your really strong?" He probably is but I couldn't care less
"Oh very! Oh my is that the time I best head off!"
YESSSSSSS THIS WENT ON!!!!"Oh really bye!"
He leaves then I take his cup and place it in a plastic bag.
I call my friend to meet me at pops and she comes to collect it then leaves.
I get ready to leave when I bump into Veronica, "oh hey V!"
"Oh hey Bet- Elizabeth," she says coldly
"It's Betty, sorry for the changes!"
"Mhm, ok."
"What's wrong? Is it yesterday because I can explain!"
"Really Betty I would love to hear an explanation!"
We have a milkshake and I tell her about Dylen and Jug, leavings out we kissed.
"Damn, I always knew he was not all he said he was, look Betty I may forgive you but the others may need some time, why don't you come to the sleepover tonight, Cheryl's hosting?"
"Ok I'll come but I hope they understand and forgive me,"
"If I could they could,"
Veronica leaves and I go home to pack and overnight bag.
As I'm waking out my room I bump into Jug, "oh hey, haven't seen you around!"
Sorry? For what?
"Sorry? Why?"
He looks at me confused, then says, "uh never mind, how was Prom?"
"Great I had a Mystery secret admirer!" I see him look down, I'm fully aware he was going to be that person so I added, "But I don't think it'll happen, he was nice but I'm looking for something or someone else,"
He changed his expression a bit then looked at my bag, "where you going?"
"Cheryls having a sleepover,"
"Isn't that like the millionth one?"
We both laugh and I say, "yeah but this is one of the last ones before college, so we're going to make the most of it before we all go our separate ways,"
"I think Cheryl and Toni may try to get into Yale they were saying,"
"Wait really? I'll have to ask later!"
I then leave and drive to Cheryl's.

Jughead POV from start of day:
I woke up with a huge headache. I sat on my bed trying to make sense of what happened last night.
I saw Betty and Dylen, Abby happened, I went to Wrym and got drunk. I remember collapsing and then waking up in bed. Wait did I wake up though, I remember talking to Betty then.... wait.... nah we couldn't have.... did we kiss? Yeah I think we did! Wow me and Betty kissed! I try to remember after that but all I remember is she left angry after it. How did I manage to screw up even more?
Ughhhh my head! I go down and don't see Betty around. Probably best I was rude to her, but I don't remember what I did.
I make a coffee and sit at the table. My dads out of town and Betty's mother is with him.
I decide to text Toni and she says she'll come over.
"Jones you got very drunk last night!"
"Yeah and I'm suffering this morning!"
We talk for a while and I find out her and Cheryl may go to Yale which is cool because they're both some of my best friends.
Toni leaves and I go upstairs and stay in my room reading a book.
A little while later I go toilet and walk out to Betty.
"Oh hey I haven't seen you around!"
"yeah, sorry."
I felt I should have apologised for whatever happened last night.
Did our kiss not happen lasts night, did I dream all of that, she looks as confused as I am.
"uh never mind how was prom?"
"Great I had a Mystery secret admirer!" I  look down, that was meant to be me, "But I don't think it'll happen, he was nice but I'm looking for something or someone else,"
I change my expression a bit then looked at her bag, "where you going?"
"Cheryls having a sleepover,"
"Isn't that like the millionth one?"
We both laugh and She says, "yeah but this is one of the last ones before college, so we're going to make the most of it before we all go our separate ways,"
"I think Cheryl and Toni may try to get into Yale they were saying,"
"Wait really? I'll have to ask!"
We say bye and she leaves for Cheryl's whilst I continue my book.

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