Gender reveal

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Betty POV
After being stuck in here for another two days I'm finally leaving. Jugs packing my bag now whilst I'm changing. Once we get back there's supposed to be a gender reveal party, So we are excited.

"Alrighty all packed up and ready to leave!" Jug says
"I'm almost done!" I shout through the door
I pull a t-shirt over my head and it feels really tight. I look down at my stomach and see it's doubled in size since I've been here.
"Uh jug?"
"Yeah!" He shouts through
"My t-shirt don't fit."
"Oh sorry I can get another?"
"Didn't you pack a jumper?"
"Well you can have mine, it should be big enough for you."
"Yes please!"
He paces the jumper through and it fits better

I go out and he looks at me
"That looks better on you then me."
"I know it does." I say smirking and picking up my bag.
"No no! I'll hold the bag, I'm not risking us being in here again unless it's for birth."
"If you say so."

We get to a car waiting outside,
"No motorcycle?" I say
"Seriously!" He reply's laughing
"I mean you always use it."
"I gave it to fangs in trade for a car, we need it more and fangs says I can always use the motorcycle when I need to anyway."
"But you love it." I say going into the front
"I love some things more."
I smile to myself.

We eventually get there and see lots of cars outside, everyone is here. We go inside to see lots of pink and blue.
"Wow guys, this looks good!" Jug says
"Me and Kev did lots of it!" Veronica says
"Yeah me Cheryl Toni and Reggie just came." Fangs says
"Well we appreciate you coming!" I say
"We're surrounded by our family and friends." Jug says

"Not all your family!" A voice says from behind
no, it can't be

Flashback to a couple of years ago

I was in my room writing in my diary,
Dear diary
Archie Andrews and I went to school together again today. He's really dreamy and perfect for me! I love him. I'm in love with him. Mrs Betty Andrews! It works! One day me and Archie are going to be-

I stopped, I could hear banging downstairs, and crying. Mum?
I sneak downstairs and see a horrific sight, my dad choking my mum. I run down and grab a fireplace poker and hit him in the back of the head with it. He falls to the ground and my mum is released and she runs over to me and pushes me behind her as my dad gets back up, I still have the fireplace poker.

"Betty, Betty, Betty. You were always my favourite you know that, you have that darkness I have. And I can't hurt you to end that darkness, I'll wait for you to have your own baby then I can have a free shot." He says
"What makes you think I'll have a baby so soon!" I yell
"Oh Betty, I know."
"Police! Ma'am if you are in there stand away from the door!" The police says from outside.
This distracted him and my mum took the fireplace poker and hit him harder in the back of his head so he passed out.
"Ma'am are you safe?"
"Yes-yes." My mum says stuttering and pulling me close to her behind.
They knocked down the door and my dad was tried life in prison, which he got.

Back to reality
"No! No!" I hear my mum shout and Fp gets in front of her
"Dad?" I say
"Yes Betty, well we can get the party started now can't we, all the family is here, well apart from Dylen, he's still stuck in the hell hole you put me in. Oh hello polly and juniper and Dagwood didn't see you there!"
"Dad." Is all she says holding onto to her twins.
"Well" he says placing a gift on the table
"Well what dad!?" I say growing angry
"When are we finding out gender? Didn't break out of prison to just hang around, well maybe I did I did miss you all very much, well, mainly Betty."
Jug gets in front of me, "just leave."
"Seriously your not welcome here, get out!" Fp then yells
"Hmmm Nope I'm good, cmon pop the balloon I want to know if it's a Peter or a Juliet?"
"How did you...." I say confused
"I told you I knew you were having a baby, remember Betty? I know you do." He comes over to me, ignores jug and touches my stomach, "ah yes this is good. Betty you failed me, this baby won't."
I feel tears coming out of my eyes
"Look pop the goddamn balloon or I will!" He yells growing impatient
"If I pop it, will you leave?" I say
"Yes. I will leave. But that don't mean I won't return to meet my grandchild."
"Okay. Jug let's pop the ballon then."
"Wait your giving in?" He says surprised
"We have to."

We both go over to the white ballon in the centre, Cheryl hands me a pin and I look at jug as I piercing it into the balloon.


Pink confetti bursts out!
"It's a girl jug!" I forget about my dad being here for a minute
"A beautiful baby girl, who's gonna look just like you!" He says kissing me
"Betty!" Kev calls
"Yeah Kev?"
"He's gone." Fangs finishes.
"Shall I go after him and tackle him!" Reg asks cracking his knuckles
"No reg it's fine, the police should be looking for him now, Kev did you tell your dad?" I reply
"Yeah just did he's got teams out on the watch."
"Well that was eventful, can't wait till baby shower who's gonna come that time?" Toni said as a half joke.

In the evening
The party after was a lot of fun. We still haven't heard of my dad had been caught yet so now we just had to wait and see.

Me and jug are now in bed cuddling.
"We're having a baby girl." I say
"I know. I'm going to have two girls that I love in my life."
"We may have to move though. He knows where we are living."
"Yeah that's what worries me. Look for now, it's a nice apartment and we have Veronica and reg next door which has some pros and cons, I mean it's possible we were here whilst that whole baby happened with them so...."
"Yeah, I'm excited this baby will have a best friend to grow up with, and if our kids get married then me V you and reg will be family."
"Wow, and what college are they going to Betty, you have this all planned out."
"Wait that was a joke! Really how much have you planned?"
"The rest of our lives."

Jughead POV
Well I guess I have something planned too. I just hope it all goes to plan.

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