Meeting abby

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Jughead POV
I've been hanging out with Abby the last few days and now we're officially dating. I really like her and I'm happy with her. I've not gotten over Betty though, she'll probably always be the one for me.
The baby project ends tomorrow so tonight theres going to be a party to celebrate and I'm thinking of bringing Abby to it. Only the serpents have met her so I want everyone to meet her.

J-hey there's a party tonight do you want to come?
A-omggggg yessssss, best boyfriend ever! xx
J-wow, I'm thanks xx
A-now no texting need to shop and do my makeup xx

Yeah she's different from my type and most I date but I really do like her.

I then text Betty and ask who will have Peter tonight for the last night.

J-hey so who'll have Peter for the last night?
B- you can have him if you want?
J-no if you want him have him, I'm probably going to be with my gf soo don't mind
B-hold up! GF! Omg you got a gf and didn't tell me! Who is she?
J-oh yeah sorry I've been a bit busy, her names Abigail, Abby, she's a serpent.
B-ooo she sounds just your type! Okay I'll have Peter and won't keep you from your gf😏
J-wowowwwowowow so funny Betts 😑😑😑
B-no really I want to meet her is she coming to the Wyrm for the party?
J-yes......... please don't do anything embarrassing
B- I won't but the others may 😜

I put my phone away and drive to the Wyrm early to help set up.
"Jones hey come help!" Toni shouts
I go and start helping with the drinks when Cheryl walks in.
"Cheryl Bombshell here for a party!"
"Babe your early!"
"I'm never to early tee tee!"
"Then can you help!" I say as I come up to the two
"No hobo! Begon from our conversation!"
I sigh and go behind her to finish getting the food ready.

In the evening
More people have come now.  Betty comes up to me.
"Hey where's Abby? Or is she made up?"
"No she's coming she just likes to make and entrance, hey there she is now!" I start pointing to her as she enters the door in a short black dress and her hair done up.
"Hey Juggie!" She says giving me a kiss
"Hey Abby, you look amazing! Ah this is Betty!"
"Hey Abby!"
"Hello." She turns back to me and grabs my hand and pulls me away.

Betty POV

I don't know what it was but it felt like something inside me burst and it's hurting. I- wait, do I like Jughead!
Omg I do like him! And he likes me well liked me!

"I have to make something clear, we're just friends right?"

Other flashback

Okay, do you like Jughead?"
I think again but comes up for and answer quicker, "no, I love him as a best friend but not romantically, why do you ask?"
"Nevermind Betts, have a good breakfast,"
"....Thank  I guess,"

Other flashback
"Before I let you two run along, nothings going on between you two right?"
Jug went to answer but I  cut him off by saying, "no mum don't be silly, we're just friends!" I see Jugs face change a bit.
My mum nods, still suspicious then says, "fine you two carry on this 'project',"

Back to present
And all I've done is push him away! No wonder he's always weird with that subject and my friends have said that he likes me. God I'm so stupid!! I like him And I also push him away! Now he has a girlfriend who he really likes! Ugh I've screwed up. And there's no one to talk to at this party, their all coupled up, I'll feel like a third-wheel.
I pick up Peter and head for the door. I guess I was partly testing to see who would stop me from leaving, no one did. Wow they all really care! But I guess I don't want to go back if I am just gonna be the only single one there.

I get home and go up to bed but before I spend a bit of time with Peter before dropping him back to the school tomorrow.

Later, I get a text
J-hey where are you? I've been looking everywhere!
I ignore him
J-Betty!!!!!! Are you annoyed?
Yeah I'm a bit annoyed but with myself and I guess this was my way of punishing myself
I turn my phone on silent and go to sleep.

Jughead POV
After I gave up on texting Betty and just went home. Before I go to my room I knock on Betty's door but no answer. Was she annoyed because of Abby. Nah, she can't be! She shouldn't be, she's the reason I'm with Abby! I go to bed after but I can't sleep so I text Veronica, I know I can talk to her about things.
J-hey V, u up?
V-yeah Faith won't sleep, why?
J-can we talk?
V-sure, what's up?
J-Betty is being really off since she met Abby, but she made it very clear that she doesn't want any relationship of any kind. It's annoying me because the one time I'm happy she is annoyed with me.
V-damn jug I don't know what to say, I could try and talk to her and ask her if she's annoyed but I'll have to meet her early morning just so we have time before school, maybe at pops.
J-that would be great v! I actually have to work a bit there in the morning, I have a good house and all but I do want to make my own money.
V-okay after we'll go school together I'll drive you and tell you anything she says, but my advice, the minute Betty says if she likes you, don't go running into her arms, it'll prove Abby is kind of a side on that you wanted to have because you couldn't have Betty.
J-yeah that's true. Thanks v this makes me feel soooo much better🙂🙂🙂
V-jug that's not a very happy emoji, how about this😀😄😃😃😃😃😁😁😁
J-that's not very me 😑
V-whatever 😒

After that talk I eventually get to sleep that night, still questioning Betty and her weird mind.

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