Halloween morning

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Veronica POV
Today is Halloween. We have no work today as it's a holiday so I hang out with Cheryl, Betty, Toni, Kev and fangs. Archie isn't here now he had to go home for his mum.
"So cousin what's this I hear about a mr Will Newman!" Cheryl shouts
"Idk yet, it's new."
"NEW? NEW! You kissed him yesterday!" Kev shouts
"I've already said this many times before but, he's there and I'm here, he told me to move on and I've held out for a while, I'm moving on, he isn't coming back for a while."
We all sit there awkwardly, that's the second time she's lashed out, girl tonight your going to be hit like a train with the drama to come. I feel like the others should know though. Betty says she's going to Wills room so I decide to tell the group about me and Jug talking.
"So guys I have a secret, Betty cannot know!"
"Tell us please I need some drama in this life right now!" Fangs says laying on his stomach on my bed
"So I've been in contact with jug for a while now and-,"
"WHAT!" They all shout
"We've been talking, he asked about Betty and he asked if I could keep him updated on school and Betty and I haven't told him about Will. His mum died so I didn't want him to feel anymore worthless then he already does."
"Imma kick his ass when he feels better and comes back!" Toni says
"Oh yeah he's going to be here for your party Cheryl." I say casually
"Wait really! What didn't you say before I need to get Betty and break wills grasp of her!" Kev says trying to get up but fangs restraining him down
"Ugh fangs stop!"
"Betty is with Will now there isn't much to tell her except, your kinda ex is back and with open arms leave will and go back to him, without it being bad." Fangs says
"Fangs is right, Betty said herself and isn't that the second time she's lashed out on you V, Kev and fangs?"
"Yeah...." I say, "I'm worried about her."
"Me too, I've known her for years and she's never been the type to just lash out. I mean I like Will he's always nice to me, might even be gay, but bughead is endgame!" Kev says
"Okay what is it with this Will, does he just attract people with relationships?" Fangs says
"Then I guess it's good I like red-head girls only!" Toni says looking at Cheryl
"Thank you tee tee, but I agree, my cousin would never lash out. Is it just me or is she going into a new relationship too quick after the hobo broke her heart!"
Everyone gave her an annoyed look, "too soon!"
"No but Cheryl is right somewhat, I think she's giving Will a chance to prove she can have a good and stable relationship, look at Dylen, criminal, jug, left after two days, Will so far is normal, I think she just wants to prove herself to be normal and not just a girl who's dad and brother are serial killers and she has a mental sister."
"Your probably right V, anyway we have to go and set up for the party. See you guys!" Toni says taking Cheryl's hand and leaving my room.

Just then i get a text from jug:
J-I'm outside, where's your room and is Betty in there?
V-no just kangs but I told them and choni, Betty is out, room 17
J-okay I'm omw

A few mins later I hear a knock, I open the door to Jug with a hoodie on and his beanie under covering his face.
I let him in and lock the door so Betty can't come in.
"Jughead! I haven't seen you in ages!" Fangs shouts and gives him a hug.
"Fangs quieten down a bit, we can't have anyone else knowing!" I whisper-shout
Kev gives Jug a hug and I eventually give him a hug and I say, "you okay?"
"I'm getting there, how've you all been?"
Me Kev and Fangs stood awkwardly, all knowing of Betty's situation but deciding not to tell.
"Good!" We all say.
"Okay...... where's arch?"
"At home his mum needed him but I don't think Betty'll be back for a while so you can crash here,"
"Yeah where is she? I thought you said she spend all her time in her room?"
I freeze, he actually listens to me blabber on, crap I need to think fast!
"She's just with another friend, we had a mini argument, nothing much just about food,"
"Oh ok." Wow he believed it but I don't think he fully believed every word
I mean we did have and argument just about Jug who is crazy and basically flesh and food so I'm not far off.
Kangs goes to there room to sort out their costume. That's when I hear a knock on the door.
"V why's the door locked, Archie isn't here so what you doing?"
"Crap hide in my closet!" I whisper shout at jug, "I'm one sec V I'm........ not wearing any clothes!" It was the first thing that came to my head.
"Whatever v just hurry up!" She shouts through. I wait a bit before opening the door.
She walks in and collapses on her bed.
"Okay so I know I said we'd both do besties costumes but I'm thinking maybe of backing out...."
I know she meant with Will but with jug in the closet I made it out I was cool about it and that it was for me.
"Yeah sure go buy it, my size yeah!" I say basically pushing her back out the door.
"Your size? I don't think you understand!"
"I understand!" I shout and close the door

"You can come out she's gone!"
"What was that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Couples costume, I know you guys are besties and have kissed but I didn't think you were that close, is she with anyone?"
Great he heard!
"We just like the couples ones better, that show they love in our friendship." I say, not exactly denying that she's with someone but he drops it.
"She seems like she's okay, Without me."
"Trust me, she's putting on a strong face, Betty's like that, when she liked Archie and she saw how he was with me before, she kept a strong face and didn't go and punch me in the face."
"I mean true but she did want to."
Ouch Betty, "why didn't she do it?"
"I stopped her." He says quietly
"See you are the reason she's sane, but she's losing her mind a bit now and is lashing out on us."
"Damn, I guess it's good I came back, I can be there for her." God this'll be harder then I thought, he wants to be with her but she's with Will.

A little later I get changed into my cat woman costume and Jug just wears his regular outfit with a bandana. He claims he's a pirate but he isn't really.
Betty doesn't come back after that she texts me she's with Will and she's going to meet me there with Will.
This'll be fun.

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