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⚠️mentions of self harm⚠️

Jughead POV
It's coming close to Christmas and we are finishing up on Romeo and Juliet. After the teacher said she'll change our seats so I'm so happy!

But we have to perform the play as a final type thing to show our understanding of the play, and today we get our parts.

"Right today I'll be giving out the parts and mainly Romeo and Juliet!" The teacher announces, "Romeo is.... Jughead Jones!"

Me? Wow! Wait! I cannot act! Great! I just hope that-
"Abby is Juliet!"


I feel abby's breath on me, she's really close.
"Oh dear guess we'll have to kiss now!"
Kiss? Oh crap I forgot! Do I tell Betty this? She may tell me to back out and I want to pass English for my future.
I'll try and not tell her until last minute.

I walk out of class and meet up with the others at lunch. Mmmm my favourite subject!

"Jug! Juggggg!" I hear Toni say
"Oh hey sorry in a gaze, just thinking."
"That was some deep thought, something on your mind?" V says
"No don't worry about it."

I manage to keep this play quiet from the others for a while and going to rehearsal and then Betty hanging out with v and reg a lot, which is kinda weird but whatever, we barely have time alone.

So I decide to take her out on a date. I've planned movie and junk food all night and reg with V so me and Betty can be alone.

"So Juggie what are we watching?"
"We could watch ———-?" I say
(Just pick a random movie of choice)
"Sounds great!" She says
I get the movie and the food and she sets up the room with pillows and blankets and all that
We start the movie and she lays her head on my shoulder.

Once the movie is done we lay in my bed talking.
"So how's English with Abby?"
"Eh," we have the play next week and was planning on telling Betty now, "we'll there's something I haven't told you."
She leans up and looks at me seriously, " what happens Jughead!" She never says Jughead, she's about to be really annoyed
"For English I'm in a play." Her face relaxes a bit, "Romeo and Juliet."
"Let me guess your Romeo?" She says
I nod then she says, "well I'm happy for you, can't wait to see you act out with?"
"Erm well Juliet is Abby." I say quiet but she hears
She backs from me a bit and I put my hand on her thigh in comfort and she twitches.
"What's happened are you hurt?"
She doesn't answer me but she has tears in her eyes.
"Betty what's up?!" I slightly shout looking at her and her thighs
She doesn't say anything.
I pull up her shorts covering her thighs and reveal old and fresh cuts.

I run my hand over them gently, feeling tears form in my eyes. She's been hurting herself, and didn't talk to me.

"Betty how long!"
"No jug you-!" She begins to say
"How long!" I demand
"A few months."
A few months! Months? And I didn't even know! Boyfriend of the year award! Didn't even see her in pain!

I get up away from her and start pacing around my room.

"Who knows?"
"Veronica and Reggie." She says quietly
Veronica I understand but Reggie? He's like my best guy friend and he didn't tell me and she told him.
"Why reg?"
"He caught me at the sleepover."
"The sleepover 2 and a half months ago!"

I continue pacing half angry half sad.
Then Betty gets up angry and yells, "how long Jughead!" Is she mimicking me?
"How long what Betty?!"I yell back
"Have you and Abby been rehearsing possibly kissing?"
"A month and there has been no kissing! I've been avoiding that as much as I can!"
"And what your only telling me now!"
"I'm sorry I wanted to spare you the pain! But you clearly are in enough pain and talking to reg about it and not me your boyfriend or did you forget!"
She backs away from me.
"Jughead I'm going to leave you need to cool off and so do I, I think we need a bit of a break." She says more calm.

A break? Break!
"Are you breaking up with me!?" I yell
"I don't know."
"Wow that helps Betty just leave!"
She grabs her bag and leaves slamming the door.

I run my hand through my hair and start crying a bit leaning my back on my door.

Betty POV
Well I just cannot believe what happened! It's 2:34am and I'm running through the dorms with tears streaming down my face. Did I just break up with Jughead?

I find my dorm room and open it quietly and see Veronica and reg cuddled up on their bed. I climb into bed and softly and quietly cry to myself to sleep.

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