Telling Veronica

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⚠️mentions of self harm⚠️

Reggie POV
I was walking to Vs dorm room to meet up with her. My teacher let me out early so I was just gonna lay around till she came.

On my way I hear crying from their room, Betty cries. Ugh! I hate Betty being like this and there isn't really a way to help her!
I open the door and she quickly covers herself.
"Relax it's me." I assure her
She shows her self, she has fresh cuts on her legs and her make up is smudged.

"Damn Betty what happened today?"
I slightly yell at her
"A-Abby ha-happened." She stutters
I roll my eyes, goddam Abby! She needs to get out of here and NEVER return.
"Ok enough is enough I have kept your secret for many months, i need to tell someone!"
"No please! You can't!"she whines
"Pick!" I say
"Pick who I tell! My advise Veronica you live with her."
She thinks for a bit before nodding, "okay only V!" She says sternly
"Only V..... for now!" I add

I send V a message and she says her teacher just let her out and she's on her way.

Veronica POV
I get a message from reg,
R-hey where are you?
V-teacher just let me out she's annoying🙄
R- well could you come to Betty and your room..... we need to talk.

'We need to talk'! Is he breaking up with me! I've noticed him and Betty be really close and I like that all of us are close but If he's leaving me for Betty!

I get to the dorm and see reg on my bed looking upset and Betty with smudged makeup and her cover over her.

"You said you wanted to talk?" I say
"Well Betty needs to talk." Reg says
Betty? why?
"So um V, these last few weeks I've been feeling..... different." Is she about to say 'I have feelings for Reggie'
"And um with all you girls in your gym class and me with Abby she's been.... making comments..." THAT BI***!
I change my face to angry, "Betty what is it your saying?" I say
"Well she's just been making me feel really down and angry, and I've been really insecure and overthinking and well...." she stops and removed her cover revealing her thighs, covered in old and fresh cuts.

I run over to her bed and kneel down and look at them then her with tears in my eyes. She's been hurting herself! Did reg know?
"Reg tell me you didn't know?" I yell half angry half crying
"I did. I caught her the sleepover night and she made me swear not tell but I needed to tell someone today. I'm really sorry V and Betty you too."
I calm a bit and take Betty's shaking hands, "B why didn't you tell me?"
"I was.... ashamed I guess. Please don't tell jug or anyone else I've managed when we are you could say close to cover it but I will tell him everything soon, not now!"
"I will but you have to promise me! If you think about doing this, talk to me first, I'll walk out my lesson just to help you!"
She smiles and gives me a big hug, I hug her and I wipe away my tears.
"Betty please don't let Abby get to you!"
"I don't want to but she does and she humiliated me earlier calling me fat and overweight."
I stand up and run out the room hearing reg and B calm my name.

Does Abby think she can get away with this! Well I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind!

I smash open her door to Archie and her on the bed doing work.
They look at me amazed then start laughing, "I guess Betty couldn't get her crazy mother on me so she got a criminal to threaten me!" She giggles
I walk up to her and grab her by the hair, Archie backs away and I whisper in her ear, "you've been warned and you don't mess with a lodge, I'll send you a tab for the extensions I just ruined, or not, we'll see!" I say and walk out.

No one messes with any of my friends, makes them feel that way and gets away with it.

I hear someone follow me out and I turn to see Archie.
"Veronica that was kinda hot!"
He looked into my eyes I smirked because whatever was happening next Reggie was behind Archie and will see
Archie grabbed my face and kissed me
I pushed him away into reg and reg pushed him straight onto a wall and he yelled at Archie
"Do that again and you won't ever play football again!"
I smiled and went off with reg.

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