Kissing and hugging

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Betty POV
The next few weeks have been normal, me and jug taking ALL the time. I have been working a ton, but I'm getting quite a bit of money, not much but for now it'll do.

I've also been having dinner with Reggie and Veronica every night. Life has been alright. Yeah I mean I'm just now waiting till my 16 week scan then my 20 to find out gender. I'm really excited, but yeah life now is boring. I'm doing my late night shift, no ones here.

I'm mop, mop, mopping the floor, mop mop mopping the-
The bell to the door rings and the mystery guys sits at a booth, huh never had someone here this late?

I go to the back and get a menu.
"Hey here's a menu, I'll give you a minute to-." Then I saw his face.
"What you doing here?" We both say

"I work here and moved back." I say
"Oh wow, dropped out then?"
"Yeah. Why you here?"
"Oh just visiting my uncle, Erm you may know him as Waldo Weatherbee?"
"Oh yeah he was my old principal. So how are you?"
"Since our break up, I've been around, moving a lot and I'm staying here for a fe weeks, it's nice to see someone I know."
"Wow, that's great will!"
"Hey er I wanted to ask, do you think we could try again?"

Jughead POV
It was a Friday and I thought to surprise Betty a day early so I left during the middle of the day and packed and left for Riverdale

It's a little late now, she should be doing her evening shift, maybe I could surprise her there. I'm almost at pops now.

The lights are still on, she should be here then. I drive up and park my motorcycle. I then turn to see her in a booth laughing with Will Newman.

Betty POV
I laugh and he laughs confused.
"Wait Will your serious?"
"Why are you laughing, am I missing something?"
"Look will, I'm back with Jughead, I'm sorry, really sorry, I can hope we can still be friends?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry Betty. I just miss you. Hey let's start over, I'm Will Newman!"
"Betty Cooper." And we shake hands
"Can I have a drink, a strong one? Perhaps we can share it?"
"Erm I can't drink."
"Why not?"
"I'm pregnant."
"Oh wow congratulations! I'm so happy for you, my friend! He says getting up and giving me a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

Jughead POV
I wait outside to watch this play out. They are talking and laughing. Does she want to be back with him? I continue watching, she shakes his hand, weird? Then he gets up happily, hugs her and kisses her cheek. She wants to be with him. Doesn't she? Ugh! I don't know anymore.

I've seen enough. I go back on my motorcycle and head to the pembrooke, before I got to pops I dropped my bag of with reg and Veronica, and said hi  before I saw Betty.

"Jug! Where's Betty?"Veronica asks
"She's hugging and taking kisses in the cheek from Will Newman."
"Will is back?!"
"Yep. And she looks happy with him. Hugging him and not pushing his kisses away. Look this was a mistake coming, don't tell Betty I came please, I don't want to talk now."
"Okay but you should talk to her, not now if you have to just soon, before the 16 week scan soon."
"We'll see." I finally say before collecting my bag and leaving the pembrooke before Betty gets back, going back to Yale.

Betty POV
It was weird Will kissing my cheek but whatever. I let that slide. We talk and I bring him food before he has to leave again. I clean up and lock up for the night.

I then go back to the pembrooke for a long nights sleep before jug comes tomorrow which I cannot wait for, but I should probably leave the Will Newman is back but, at least for now.

"Hey V!"
"Hey Betty! Anything fun happen?" What does she mean?

Veronica POV
" hey Betty! Anything fun happen?" I ask, let's see if she tells me.
"Nope, regular night at pops."
"Okay... night, got to sleep before jug comes tomorrow! I cannot wait!"
"Yeah!" I say enthusiastically

Oh great! He isn't coming tomorrow. She's going to be so upset, but she should have told me about Will, and maybe I would have been a bit more sympathetic with her.

Betty POV
I decide not to tell V, her and jug are close and Will will be gone soon anyway. I will tell them both, just not now, jugs away and he might feel, well, not great about it.

But I can't wait to see him tomorrow, to be with him, in his arms. To talk to him, I just haven't been  feeling amazing and want to talk to him about it.

The next day
I'm up and ready early for jug to come today. I have got ready and I'm at pops waiting for him to enter at our usual time with a burger and fries waiting as a surprise, I know how he lives a good burger.

A bit later
He isn't here yet. Is he even coming?
My phone has a message.
J- I can't come today, I'm really busy, maybe next week.
B-oh, okay. Love you, hope to talk or FaceTime soon! 😘
J-yeah maybe. x

He isn't coming. Somethings wrong with him. What's wrong though? He couldn't have seen Will yesterday, he wasn't here yesterday? Maybe he really is busy.

I just eat his burger that went cold waiting for him, even though he was never coming.

And I really needed to speak to him also, I just want to be with him.
As I'm on my break, I hear the bell go,
"Oh hey will!"

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