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⚠️mentions of rape and some abuse⚠️

Betty POV
It was getting boring sitting in this room for hours and hours. Then a guard comes in.

"Come, boss wants you"
"You can just call him Hal, he has a name jeeez." I say trying to act not scared but I really was
"Shut up and come with me, didn't even say Hal. Your father doesn't know about this."
What are they doing?

I get dragged to a empty room where I get beat pretty bad.
"This princess is for giving my name to your father, this is for the limp I'll have for the rest of my life."
Limp? Wait....
he comes out the shadows, "nick st'clair. You bastard what are you doing working for my father?!" I spit

"I offered my services for only this task and your father doesn't know I'm here. I wanted my turn with you, Veronica, Cheryl, the pussy cats, any of you and you where first come so first serve...." he starts punching and kicking me hard and I let it all out, I cry I fall into the ground helpless.

After a while of him shouting words and names, spitting at me, he says, "now let me start my business with you..."

The door slams open
I'll be honest I've never been so happy to see my dad but when he shows up at the door and sees me, he gets protective and annoyed.

"Nick st'clair... did you do this?! Did you beat her up?!" He's very angry I can tell

His guards come and pick me up and drag me away from whatever's about to go down. I hear two shots, that isn't good.

I get put back in the room and I just sit in the corner, aching all over and crying.

A while later my dad comes back in.
"I may have captured you, hurt you in some ways, but Betty your still my daughter, I'll protect you."
"Then let me go, I'll be safer out there!" I yell through tears
"Why would I do that now? I want to train you Betty, to do better than I have, to learn to not be captured."

Jughead POV
We get there and the FBI station around the abandoned building. The serpents take out the guards outside. Me, reg, Archie, Charles and my dad all stay in one area going over the plan.

"Okay so Charles and dad you guide the serpents and agents through taking and arresting any one there, if Hal turns up capture him first he is prior to catch and Abby too.Me reg and Archie will look for Betty." I say

We all start.

Betty POV

I sit in the corner trying to clean my cuts and bruises made by Nick st'sicko. I'm thankful for my dad in that way, nick was gonna rape me. I don't think somehow nick is still alive.

I hear shouting outside what's happening?

Crashes and shouts and shots fired. Jug?

The door smashes open and I see a familiar red head
"Oh my god Betty! Quick we need to get you out come, are you okay your hurt! Did he hurt you?"
"No it was nick st'clair my dad actually saved me from being raped by nick a few hours ago."
"Well that's one good thing he's done which won't help him though. Jug and reg are looking for you still I'll call them."

As we get outside and I go sit in the truck they have I see Fp

"Betty Oh my... what has he done to you?"
"It was my dad who did this, he did hurt me at all in that way, it was nick st'clair. My dad actually saved me from him."

"Betty?!" I hear from behind, I know that voice anywhere
"Jughead?! Omg I'm so happy to see you! Is Juliet okay?"
"She's perfect with Veronica!" He kisses me hard and hugs me.
"I love you jug I knew you'd come for me."
"Always betty. I love you too. What happened? Your all beaten up!?" He says
"Uh Nick st'clair my dad didn't know about this and my dad saved me from being raped by nick. But that doesn't suffice for what he's done. Have you got him yet?"
"I'll kill nick and no haven't seen him yet."
"Oh and my dad killed someone else....."

Just as that happens Charles comes out with my dad in cuffs.

"Betty I'll always be with you, know that." My dad says before he gets put in a car

"Guys!" Reggie yells, "look who I found!"
I turn to see nick with two bullets in his knees but he's alive.

"Reggie put Nick in our car, take Betty's me everyone home in your car me and Nick are gonna take a drive." Jug says
"Jug don't kill him." I say holding his hand, "I don't want you to end up in jail."

"I won't kill him, I'll just... warn him."

I roll my eyes and reggie takes me to the car and it's only me reg and arch. The serpents and FBI agents stay behind to clear up.

"Veronica missed you so much Betty, she's been nonstop texting I haven't had the chance and I thought you could surprise her." Reggie says
"Thanks reg, do you know if Juliet's okay?"
"Yeah she's fine, Veronica found her out on the street with your phone."
"I knew she would, I knew all of you would find me thank you."
"Of course Betty." Archie says

We eventually get home.
I run up and open the door

"Reggie Archie jug did you find her?" I hear Veronica yell as she comes in with Juliet and sees me, "omggggggg Betty I was so worried! Ahh I'm so sorry and was so scared! Juliet is fine and she misses her mother." V says hugging me and passing Juliet to me

"Thank you v so much I missed you."
"What the hell did your father do to you B? Your hurt!"
"Nick st'sicko he hurt me without my dads knowledge and tried to rape me but my dad walked in just before and shot him in his kneecaps, jugs with Nick now. I've gotta say I'm glad for seeing my dad there for that."
"I'll murder him!" V threats
"Jugs probably doing that right now."

After I get cleaned up and have a shower. I look at my bruises and cuts. Ugh I hate him. Those things kinda got to my head a bit but then again it's Nick at'sicko. Maybe I can get in touch with Cheryl she's been hurt by nick, she can help me through this.

I get out and sit in the living room and play with Juliet with Reggie, Veronica and Lucas

"So Betty you feel fresher and better?" Veronica asks
"A bit. I may call Cher up tho, she's been through it, she could help."
"Yeah that's a good idea." Reg says

Just at that moment a bloody jug walks through the door and goes straight to our bathroom.

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