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Betty POV
I've been here for a few days now, polly and jelly have met the baby also and my mum finally stayed at home, she was really attached.choni and kangs have finally got here to meet the baby, first choni.

"Omg cousin and hobo who knew you could create this amazing thing!" Cheryl says holding Juliet.
"Uh Cheryl she's not a thing, what her name, full name?" Toni asks
Knowing we named her after Veronica we were hesitant
"Uh Juliet Ronnie Jones" jug says
"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear Ronnie and say, omg so adorable!" Cheryl says
"No I love it it works pretty well!"Toni says holding the baby now.
"So cousin, hobo, any more nieces or nephews to come?"
"Okay I gave birth a few days ago, and your already asking about more?" I say
"Well, I want a child named after moi so anymore?"
"I want an entire family of kiddies with you Betty, but not now." Jug says taking my hands
"Okay Cheryl enough questions, let's let kangs visit now." Toni says pulling Cheryl away
"Ugh I'll be back. And the next baby better be named after me, somewhat!"

"That was intense." Jug says
"Yeah, I mean v has had my back all the way through and yours and it worked. But I do want an entire family with you too." I say kissing him
"Are we interrupting?" Kev says at the door
"No come meet her." I say as they come in
"Ahhhh she's too cute omg, fangs can we adopt please!" Kev says
"Maybe after college and we come back here?" Fangs says as he watches his boyfriend rock Juliet
"Eeekkkkk I cannot wait to finish school!" Kev squeals
"Can I hold her?" Fangs asks
"Go for it." Jug says passing her from Kev to fangs
"Hello serpent queen."
"Hold up! She's gonna be serpent queen?" Kev says
"I guess so." I say laughing

After they all visit and come for second visits it's me and jug alone with her. The doctors are keeping us for another day before letting us go home. And once we drop our bags home we are going to my my mums and Fps house

"Right can I have Juliet please for a last check up then you can check out tomorrow." The doctor says
"Okay." Jugs reply's placing Juliet down in the wheeled hospital cot.
"Has she been adapting well to nursing?" The doctor asks
"Yeah she's been great!" I reply
"Perfect." He says wheeling her out

I go and have a wash whilst jug packs up. I look at my stitches on my stomach. It was last minute decision for a C-section. I was scared but jug was with me all the way.

I change into a pyjama dress I have and lay back in bed.
"Thanks for packing, I could have helped."
"Nah it's fine, you went through labour, least I could do is pack."
"And the first night feed!" I add
"Okay, Okay and the first night feeds."
I laugh and Juliet gets brought back in
"Well let you know later."

The next day
We are all packed up and ready to go and Juliet is in the carrier. We check out and head to the car.
We drive home and Veronica and reg aren't here, they are back at the hospital for a check up on their baby being born in like 12 weeks.

"Baby, here's you first home. And heres your nursery." Jug says taking her around still in the carrier whilst I grab a baby bag and the pram.

"Jug we going?"
"Yeah one sec I actually have to tell you something."
"The reason we let Archie back in, we'll proving himself for another chance was because he told us something. Abby is working with your dad. And your dad said he'll come and see his grandchild before at the gender reveal."
"And I didn't know this before because......"
"I didn't want you to stress before birth."
"Well I appreciate that and I guess we'll have to talk more about it later."
"Okay, so should we go?"
"Yeah let's go!"

We take a walk down to my childhood home and knock on the door, almost immediately my mum answers.

"Ahh Betty jug Juliet!!!!! Come in!" My mum says greeting us in
"JULIET!" I hear from behind
"Jelly damn calm." Jug says laughing
"I call holding her first!" Jelly announces
"Unfair!" My mum says annoyed
"Fine then I call-!" My mum begins to say
"I call second!" Polly then beats her to it saying
Fp joins in the fun and says, "I call-!" But my mum beats him to it
"I call third and Fp you take this away from me the couch you'll also have!" My mum threats
"Okay I'm fourth!" He says in defeat

Jelly takes her carefully
"Hello niece by blood unlike any other of your weirdo friends." Jelly says
"Yeah you, Polly and Cheryl are by blood." Jug says

After when it gets to polly then we hear the door go.

"Betty could you answer that I'm not missing my turn?" My mum asks

I go the door and open it to a guy.
"Hello I'm Charles smith FBI, I'll be helping you on your fathers case."
"Oh thank you. Come in." I say
"Hey everyone in agent Charles smith of the FBI ill be taking Hal Coopers case from here on."
My mums eyes shoot up, "Charles smith.. were you  at the sisters?"
"Alice!" Fp says, "you can't ask that!"
"No it's fine. Yes I was, and I know who you both are. Hey mum and dad."

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