Chapter 64

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A/N: giving @bandvideos_1 credit for this awesome picture she posted on Instagram. But hello and Happy Late Valentine's Day to everyone. This is a late special Valentine's Day surprise and kind of an introduction to something new. But, anyways, here you go. Don't have the feels or anything. There will be no smut in this, I'm sorry.

*Andy's P.O.V.*

"Ashley." I poked his chest trying to wake him up. He looked absolutely adorable sleeping and I didn't want to bother him, but he needed to get up. "Ashley, wake up." I whispered, poking him again and making him groan and roll over.

"What is it Andy? I'm sleeping." He whined and pulled the covers over him.

"It's Valentine's Day and I want to do something special for you." I told him, climbing in the bed slowly and getting on top of him. I kissed his cheek as he tried to shoo me away, but it wasn't going to work.

"Andy, but I'm tired." He rolled over and looked at me with his sleepy brown eyes. "It's all because you don't know when to quit until you tired both of us out. It's a wonder you're up this early." He joked.

"Come on bubble butt, it'll be fun." I rolled my hips into him playfully and kiss his lips, before hopping off him.

"You'll be the death of me." He called out as I walked out the room.

"I know." I said, smiling cheekily and hearing him get out the bed. I went downstairs to the kids, seeing them laying on the floor coloring, it was pretty adorable.

"Dabby." Lindsey said, running and jumping into my arms. Oh how time flies by, just 2 years ago she was six months only, now she's almost 3. I smiled at how cute she was. She called me Dabby because that's how we tell the difference between who the kids are talking to. It was Daddy B for Biersack and Daddy A for Ashley, but her being a young age when she tried to say my name ended up saying Dabby and it stuck. So I'm Dabby and Ashley's just Daddy.

"Hey babygirl." I hoisted her up and kissed her forehead and held on to her tightly. "What are you guys up to?"

"Coloring competition." Cooper told me, smiling up at me and looking over at Alex's picture before his own.

"I'm winning." Lindsey said, jumping up in my arms.

"You can't be, it's just scribbles." Alex said.

"Now Alex, what have I told you about being mean. You need to protect your little sister, not be mean." He nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry Linds." He got up and kissed her and gave her a hug before going back to his drawing.

"Show me what you've done Babygirl." I put her down and watched her get her coloring book and bring it to me.

"I colored Olaf." She said cheerfully.

"Aww, he's adorable." I poked her nose gently and looked at the adorable picture. "This is going on the wall." I told her, making her clap her hands.

Me and Ashley loved to encourage our children's imagination and creativity, so we created 'the wall'. It's this huge wall, 7 feet long, 9 feet wide. It's located in the living room, close to our built in studio. It was full of each creative thing our children did, from Cooper's poems, song lyrics, to Alex's paintings and sketches, to Lindsey's drawing/colorings and stories. It was the best part of the house if you ask me, it was the one thing that we didn't have to buy. I tore the page out on the already aligned markings and gave her back the book, and going to the wall. I took off one of the thumb tacks that were of no use and used them to hang it up, standing back in admiration.

"Beautiful." Ashley said from behind me, taking my hand and standing at my side and laying his head on my shoulder.

"I know you are." I turned towards him, kissing his head and tightening my grip on his head. I walked over to the kids, seeing them look at us and smile. That has to be the one thing that I get the most enjoyment out of, seeing them look at us like that. It's almost as if they adore us, and I just hope they look up to us. Look up to us to show them what real love is and hopefully help them find it themselves.

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