Chapter 25

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I can't believe that bastard said something like that to me. I've told him countless times that I've wanted a child and he said we weren't ready. That was two years ago, how long does it fucking take to get ready. And then to bring up my sexuality was low, even for him. He knows how insecure I am of it an yet he has the nerve to bring up and rub the fact I can't have a kid in my face.

I stormed into the bus, slamming the door and pacing up and down the corridor. He has changed, he isn't my Kellin, that man tonight I don't know who he is. Andy had come out of the bedroom and was sitting on the couch watching me as I paced, he knew me well enough to wait exactly ten minutes. I would have tired myself out and calmed down by then and I could talk about it.

I wanted to take all the anger in me right now and just hit something. Preferably Kellin. I know it's mean but if you love someone then you don't just say things like that. I couldn't stand him right now, everything in my body shook with anger.

*Ten Minutes Later*

(Spongebob Narrator Voice)

I had calmed down some and sat down on the couch across from Andy.

"Ready to talk now?" I really didn't but I needed to get it off my chest.

"You see, I told Kellin about the thought of kids and he made excuses why we couldn't. I told him I just wanted one of my own and he said I couldn't have one of my own and brought up my sexuality." As soon as that word left my mouth Andy got pissed.

"Who in the hell do he think he is? You can't just say things like that to people." I could tell he was mad. Hew stood up and even though he was injured he came over to me and comforted me. I began to cry into his shirt.

"I can't believe he fucking said that." I told him through my sobs.

"Fuck him. He's an insensitive bastard. If you want kids you can raise one on your own. And if you need any help I'll be here for you." I looked at Andy who was mad but gave a smirk.

"Thank you." I told him as I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a hug.

"Anytime." He hugged back. I pulled away and went to Justin's pantry and opened it to get some of his stash.

"I'm done with thinking about Kellin. I really need our vacation. I think I just might move it up. Why don't we leave tomorrow? Tomorrow night sound great?" I quickly said as I opened up the Vodka and Jameson.

"Yeah, whatever you want man." He watched me pour the drinks. I offered him one and he took it.

"So where's everybody?" I didn't see anyone here just yet.

"Well CC went back off partying after dropping off Justin who is in the back sleeping. I think the others are with CC though. And I woke up when you came. Soo.." He took a sip of the drink and breathed hard as it went down.

"Is Justin wasted?" I asked. Dumbest thing I've ever asked.

"No, he had a belly ache." Andy replied sarcastically.

"Hey, watch it." I told him, making him remember that I was still mad.

"Sorry." He took another sip and repeated his actions before standing up.

"Where are you going?" I asked getting worried. I didn't want to drink alone.

"I was going to start packing and maybe get some sleep or something." I nodded.

"Maybe I should too." I stood up and walked behind him until we reached the bedroom door. He stopped and turned to face me.

"Vic, Kellin doesn't deserve you. You are amazing and wonderful and anyone would be lucky to have you." I looked into his blue eyes that resembled the waters surrounding the beaches in California.

I leaned in and kissed him, I didn't care what my mind not my heart said. I was enjoying kissing Andy. Kellin could rot in hell for all I cared. I put my hands on Andy's waist and he wrapped his arms around my neck. Gently running his fingers through my hair. We deepened the kiss, twirling our tounges in each other's mouth. I pulled away and began to slowly kiss his jaw to his neck making him release a small moan. I smirked up at him as he moaned once again.

"Vic, please." I began to rub his thighs and moved my hands closer to the growing in his pants. "Vic." He said once again.

"I know Andy." I picked him up and carried him to the couch and crashed our lips together as I got on top of him.

"Vic, no we can't." I pulled away. Shocked at what he said.

"What do you mean?" I pushed myself off of him and helped him up. "Did I hurt you?"

"No it's not that, it's just that you're upset about Kellin. You don't need to do this. Let's just get some rest." I didn't know what to do.

"Okay. I'm sorry." He kissed my lips and before I could kiss back he pulled away.

He took hold of my hand and guided me to the room. I helped him in bed and got in the bed myself. I looked over at him and just as last night he gave me a smile and turned over going to sleep.

'Can I come sleep in the bed. I'm sorry. I truly am. I love you and I can't stand that I said that to you. I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did. If you want kids then we can have kids. 6 or 7 however many you want. Just please forgive me Vic. I love you and can't live without you. I can't sleep without your hold. I feel like I'm lost without you. I need your protection. Please Vic.'

You can't be serious. Why should I even consider this. I don't want him anywhere near me. But I longed for him to be here next to me. I could just let him be here without it really meaning anything. I surrendered.

'Fine. Come. But I'm still mad at you. I just don't want to talk about this right now. Me and Andy are leaving tomorrow. We can discuss it when we get back.'

Kind of mean, yes, but I was. I was still mad at him, and I didn't want to talk about it, I just wanted sleep. I looked over at Andy who was sleeping, I wonder what time it was anyways. I looked down at my phone, it was a quarter until 1. I heard the distant opening and closing of the bus door. The bedroom door opened revealing Kellin. He took off his jacket, that only covered his torso since he didn't have a shirt on, and then his pants.

He crawled in to bed with me and I opened my arms up for him. He moved into my embrace getting closer to me so his head was on my bicep and chest. I wrapped my arms around him as I was soothed by his breathing. I closed my eyes and was rocked to sleep by his slow and steady breathing.

"Vic." I opened my eyes to see him crying.

"Yeah?" I asked trying to seem unconcerned.

"I love you." He told me.

"Do you?" He started crying softly. I sighed, I couldn't just beat him up more than he already was. "I love you too Kellin. Forever."

He stopped crying to look into my eyes. "I'm really sorry for what I did." I rolled my eyes a bit.

"Don't worry about it. Can we just go to sleep?" I asked. He was getting annoying, I started to regret letting him come. I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." He started crying again, I opened my eyes as I felt the tears run down my chest.

I sat up. "Kellin," I started and took a deep breath letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I'll just leave." He sat up and wiped his eyes and was getting out of the bed. I grabbed his wrist before he could go any further.

"Look, I know you feel guilty for what you said. But I'm willing to forgive and forget. We can talk about this tomorrow if you want. I just want some sleep right now. Can we do that?" I was getting impatient with him.

He nodded and climbed back in the bed with me. We cuddled ourselves together and laid there. I couldn't go to sleep knowing that I possibly made him feel worse by my actions. I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you." I told him. I felt a smile go across his face. I closed my eyes and drifted into a much needed sleep.

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