Chapter 28

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Authors note:

Thank you to all those who are reading this fan fiction. I'm getting kind of stuck on this plot and want to do something surprising, anyone have some ideas. Also If you are reading this and love to ship Andley then I recommend you to check out a great Andley FanFic by RylieKimball. It is called New Year Son. It is an awesome and intriguing book to read. You will fangirl, cry, and die. The feels are strong in this one. There are also a ton of surprises. Another one you should check out by her is Emo High. For all the Fangirls it is the most high risk one. It has characters in situations that will make you bounce off the walls. Not only is it funny, but it is also very touchy on something. And also follow her, she's awesome. Now back to the story.

(Third Person)

"What were you guys even thinking?" CC asked enraged.

"We didn't know that this would happen." Kellin tried to explain.

"Hard to understand that after what I just saw." Justin commented.

"Please don't tell Vic." Kellin cried.

"We won't. We couldn't." Justin said eyeing CC and Jinxx.

"Whatever." CC threw up his hands and went and sat by Justin on the couch.

Ashley was over in the corner of the room rocking in fetal position.

"Ashley? What's wrong man?" Jinxx asked as he started over to him.

"Don't." He stated bluntly and with anger in his voice.

"What's wrong with him?" They all watched as Ashley continued to rock.

They all started to get worried. Was he doing what they feared he was? Was he thinking about cutting, or maybe even killing himself.

"Ashley. Come here man." CC said. Ashley didn't move.

Justin got up and walked over towards him. He was mumbling something incoherent. Justin leaned down closer to try and get a better listen.

"I love Andy. I love Andy. I love Andy." That was all he continued to say.

"He's saying he loves Andy." Justin walked back over to the couch and took his seat by CC.

"What are we going to do about this?" Jinxx asked.

"Nothing. Just-just don't tell Vic or Andy. Please?" Kellin started to cry.

"Kellin, we can't just sit back and let that slide." Justin told him.

"I know. It's just that I want to tell him. Let me find a way to tell him. Please?" He pleaded.

"Fine. But you have to tell him." CC negotiated.

"Okay I will. We will find a way to tell them about it." Kellin settled.

Jinxx sighed. He took out his phone and called Tony.

"Hey you up for a party tonight?" He paused to wait for an answer. "Great. So it'll be me, you, CC, and Justin then." Another pause. "Okay, great meet you there." He hung up and laid his head back.

There was an awkward silence before Justin spoke up.

"I need a much needed drink." He got up and went to his alcohol pantry. "Someone has been raiding my shit. I might need to hire a guard dog." He took out three random bottles. One for each of them.

They started to drink, they said it was just a warm-up for tonight. Not long afterwards did the door open with Vic and Andy carrying bags.

"What's up guys?" Vic asked. They turned their attention over to the three dudes on the couch who were chugging their drinks.

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