Chapter 30

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I love Vic. He's my friend and I know what we did was wrong but we didn't take it as far as Kellin and Ashley. So what me and Vic kissed, I was no longer bothered at the fact that we did. All I wanted to do right now was kill Ashley. I wanted him to get ran over by a car, but I knew that was just my anger talking.

I saw Vic had cooled off about it, he was always one to brush things away easily. I tried to not think about it on our way to the airport. I took out my phone and headphones and started to play 'And The Snakes Start To Sing' by Bring Me The Horizon.

Glancing at Vic he could tell I was still mad, he took my hand and held it. I looked into his eyes and there was pure hurt. I know mine held hatred, feeling sorry for him I calmed down more. He smiled as a thank you and I shook my head before pulling my hand away and looking out the window.

The drive to the airport was awkward, there was a lot of tension. When the cab stopped we both jumped out and walked to the desk, got our tickets, and turned in out luggage. We walked to our gate without a word.

When we reached our gate, I took out my headphones so I could hear. Vic was just quiet. I wanted to talk to him, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I needed to relax, so I pushed every thought I had to the back of my mind. The only thing I wanted to think about was our vacation.

The intercom came on to tell us our flight was boarding.

"Are you ready to go?" Vic asked, I nodded.

"Yeah, let's go." I replied.

We got up and gave the lady our ticket and walked on the platform with our carry ons. When we stepped onto the plane Vic began to walk funny. I watched him move from side to side and I was concerned.

"Are you okay?" He smiled and kept walking grabbing hold of the seats.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I accepted it and followed him to our seats in first class.

We opened the latch to the overhead storage compartment and he helped put my carry on in. He kept his because it had our snacks, chargers, my book and his laptop. The attendant lady came by and observe us put the bag in and close the door.

"Would you like a complementary neck pillow?" She asked with her southern filled voice.

"Yeah, I'll take one please." Vic told her.

"I'll take one too please." I did want to go to sleep. We had a nine hour flight with a twenty minute layover in New York.

"Okay, I'll be back in one moment." She walked away with her long ponytail swinging.

Vic's phone rang and he didn't feel like picking it up. He threw it in the empty seat by the window while he seated himself in the middle. I sat next to him and he let out a deep sigh.

"Was it Kellin?" I asked.

"Yeah." He started shaking his head at himself. "I really love Kellin. I mean I haven't showed it these past few days but I did. And I know that what we did." He pointed at us both. "Wasn't right, but we didn't go as far as committing something like that." Tears started to swell in his eyes. "I will not cry over him." He said and turned his head.

"Vic, I know we didn't but the truth of the matter is we are at fault too." I tried to explain.

"I know. It's just, dammit Andy. I love you too. I love you and Kellin and I can't help but too. And I just didn't expect to be heartbroken by either one of you. I know that sounds selfish, but-" I interrupted him.

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