Chapter 47

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I can't believe Vic really asked Kellin to marry him. I'm soo stoked to see this. I waited by the elevator door like Vic told me. I was jumping up and down in place, because to be honest I was cold as hell in that hallway. The elevator dinged and I freaked, I screamed before it opened.

"Shut the fuck up." Vic whispered loudly at me.

"Sorry, I'm just excited." I was, I couldn't contain it.

"Just help me get him to our room and I'll show you." He told me.

I walked past him to the door and stuck my hand out for his card.

"It's in my wallet." I groaned, but reached in his back pocket for his wallet.

I took out the card and stuck it in the outlet of the door. It beeped and unlocked. I held the door open for Vic, he carried Kellin over to the bed. He laid him down and pulled the cover from underneath him and placed it on top of him.

They were just soo cute, it made me want to throw up. I waited impatiently as he took off Kellin's shoes and then his own. He made his way over to me and I got excited but it was only to get his charger.

"Are you going to show me the freaking video." I raised my voice. I was irritated and impatient.

"Okay, okay. Come over here." I skipped across the room to him.

He was sitting in a chair and handed me his chord to plug in his phone charger. I did it and he plugged it in. He unlocked his phone and pulled up videos. There was a preview shot of the video, it was dark but I saw two figures. He clicked it allowing it to play.

I watched as he stood Kellin up and bent down on one knee. I heard when he asked Kellin to marry him and he shouted yes. I cried just watching the video, it was the best thing ever. I couldn't help big cry tears of joy and I couldn't stop.

"Who's crying now?" Vic asked nudging me.

"Hey, you were going to bring me a pack of cigarettes anyway. Remember? So where are they?" I protested.

"Shit. I'm sorry man. I'll get you some tomorrow." He promised.

"No it's fine. I got Mike to go get me some." I smiled mischievously.

The silence soon surrounded us after my cries and sobs subsided. I was soo happy for them. They deserved every bit of happiness this world can offer them.

"So..." Vic said breaking the silence. "You and Ashley?" He smiled hard like a young school girl with a crush. I couldn't help but cover mine by burying my face in my hands.

"We're together again. And it's great. I'm glad to be back with him. He's the best thing I've ever have. We're not as happy as you and Kellin but we're happy." I looked off in the distance getting captured in a trance. I was thinking about how happy I was with Ashley and then a thought sprang across my mind. What will Kellin do about Vic?

"That's great. I'm glad you both are together again because he does love you a lot Andy." He broke me from my thoughts and I smiled and stared dreamily into space.

"I know. That's all he tells me." I started to blush and I couldn't help but laugh. He did too.

I stood up and yawned.

"Sleepy already?" I asked.

"Already? Are you forgetting it's 1 in the morning and I was already sleep before being awaken by you Mister?" I pushed him.

"Hey, I didn't really know it was that late when I called you" I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." He stood up and trailed behind me to the door. I opened it and then a thought came to my mind.

"Night Andy." He spoke getting ready to close the door. I stuck my hand up to catch the door.

"Vic, you and Kellin are absolutely meant for each other and deserve every piece of happiness you both can get a hold of." He smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Thanks. I love him soo much Andy. It's like I don't know what I would do without him. I'll never leave him." I smiled hopefully.

Vic still didn't know what was going on and he was oblivious to everything. I walked away and towards my room, hearing Vic shut the door behind me. I didn't want to go to bed yet, I needed to talk to someone about this.

I went to the elevator and pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. I pressed one level down, the doors closed, and moved down a little before opening back up. I went over to Mike' door and knocked loudly to wake him. He opened it wearing nothing but boxers and he looked rough and mad.

"What the hell Andy?" I noticed how him and his brother sound alike, especially when they're mad.

"Can we talk about Vic please? I don't think I can handle him not knowing." He gave me a sympathetic look and opened the door for me to come in.

"So what is it? What happened?" He went over to the couch and say down.

"Well, I don't know if he told you yet or not." I sat down across from him. "But he proposed to Kellin, while they were out on their date." His eyes grew and looked like they were gonna bounce out of his head.

"How could this happen? Kellin was supposed to propose." He started looking around wildly.

"Vic said he wanted to make Kellin his and that he loved him and that he had too." He groaned.

"Ugh.! Okay. Well maybe Kellin can still surprise him with his other gift. Okay I'll need to tell the guys." He went to get his phone, I pulled him back down.

"We need to tell Vic." I was being serious and stern.

"No we can't," I interrupted him.

"We have to. He told me that he didn't know what he would do without Kellin and that he'll never leave him. He's become oblivious to what's going on."

"Your just being paranoid." Mike was in denial.

"What will you tell him when he asks why he's constantly going to the doctor then?" I protested.

"No, he won't. He's fine." He started to cry.

"Mike we have to tell him." I pleaded

"No!" He screamed. "I'm not losing my big brother. We have been through too much. He's not leaving me and I won't let him." He stood up and walked to the bedroom.

"Mike!" I yelled to him.

"GET THE FUCK OUT ANDY!" He yelled at me. I did as I was told and left.

I walked into the hallway and closed the door after me. I leaned against the wall to balance myself better. I was becoming light headed everything was blurry. I made it to the elevator and went onto my floor. When the doors opened I couldn't walk hardly, I pushed myself to walk to my room it wasn't far away. I got to the door and fell with my back sliding against the door.

I felt the door open and I fell back hitting my head. I started breathing fast, I didn't know what to do. I saw Ashley standing over me, he pulled me in the room and carried me to the bed. I began to shake. Why was I shaking? I can't remember anything after that moment, everything was now black.

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