Chapter 29

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I didn't even know what to think. My head was still pounding from earlier and now I had this on my mind. When Andy and I entered the bus I went to the cupboard to get some ibuprofen. I knew it wouldn't help all my problems but at least my headache would be gone so I could think clearly.

Andy sat down on the couch and watched me as I got a water bottle from the fridge and took the pills. I laid down the bottle and walked over to the couch opposite of him. I placed my head in my hands and tried to wait out my headache.

"Do you think they know?" Andy asked. I looked up to see him looking nervous and scared.

"No, how could they? We were never caught." I reassured him.

We stayed there, burning off time until we had to catch our flight. Time passed by slowly, we still had forty minutes left. It was agonizing to wait it out, I just wanted to leave. We sat in silence waiting until a knock on the door startled us both. It was Justin and CC.

"Hey, I thought you guys left already. Why aren't you over there?" CC knew something was up.

"They broke up with us." Andy's voice didn't seem bothered by the thought of it.

"What? Why?" Justin asked.

"Kellin told me he wanted a break for a while." I explained.

"And that's what Ashley told me." Andy replied, annoyed at the thought.

"Oh shit." CC said.

"What?" I had to ask. He caught my attention with that comment.

"Can I tell them?" CC asked Justin.

"Why not? They aren't really together anymore." He encouraged him.

"Tell us what?" Andy asked impatiently.

CC sighed while Justin took a deep breath.

"We caught them cheating on you." They both said simultaneously.

"What the fuck?" I jumped up and stormed to the door. CC caught me.

"Calm down." He told me. I looked at Andy's face and it had turned red as hell. He started seething and tears fell from his face.

"Who?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Justin was utterly confused.

"Who the hell did he cheat on me with?" He was getting angrier by the second. His voice got deeper and more tears fell from his face.

"They um," CC started.

"With each other." Justin blurted out.

Me and Andy looked at each other and our faces had to match. CC and Justin came over and held us, keeping us from leaving the bus.

"Hey stop. Cool down." CC ordered us.

Andy pushed CC away from him and punched him in the jaw.

"How the hell do you expect us to cool down when we thought we were at fault for this and it was because they cheated." He tried to run again but CC caught him again.

"Let me go. I'm calm." I lied. Justin let me go anyways and took Andy from CC. He started rubbing his now bruised jaw.

I took off towards the door and managed to open it before CC pulled me back inside. They took both of us in the bedroom, pushing us inside and locking the door so we couldn't get out.

"Stop being childish and open the fucking door." I yelled at them.

"Not until both of you calm the fuck down." Justin yelled back. I started punching at the door.

"Move the fuck aside." Andy ordered me. I did as I was told because he was way madder. He picked up his foot and started kicking at the door.

"Hey stop." CC told him.

"Open the fucking door." He continued to kick at it.

"Fine. But you guys can't do anything. We weren't even supposed to tell you." Justin said.

"Fine." We both agreed.

They opened the door and cautiously let us out. They walked in front of us and CC went to cover the door.

"How did this happen?" Andy asked. He went over to the couch and laid down.

"We don't know. When we got on the bus we thought it was empty until we heard." CC explained.

"Heard? oh god I think I'm going to be sick." I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.

"We don't fucking deserve this." I heard Andy say over my retching.

"We told them they would have to tell you guys. I guess this was their way of getting around it." Justin told us. I came from the bathroom, feeling a little better, and sat down. I was still pissed at this. Kellin has been the one fucking things up in our relationship and I thought it was me.

"I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. We have twenty minutes to catch our flight. Let's go." I told the guys.

I went to my room for my charger and came back. I picked Andy's suitcase up with mine and carried it while he got his charger. I walked towards the door and handed Andy his suitcase. CC moved aside to let us go by but him and Justin kept watchful eyes on us. We stopped a cab and waved to them as we left for the airport.

**Ashley's P.O.V**

I was sitting down on the couch trying to focus on what we had done tonight. I felt disgusted with myself, to just think I did wrong and made Andy suffer.

"Our flight leaves in half an hour." Kellin told me. I nodded so he would know that I was listening.

We heard the bus door opened and we looked to see who it was hoping it was Andy or Vic. It was just CC and Justin.

"We love the way you handled telling them." Justin said sarcastically.

"We couldn't tell them." Kellin confessed.

"We know. That's why we did." CC said.

"What?" Kellin and I said. We looked at each other in fright.

"Yeah, we told them just a few minutes ago." CC said as he walked over to the fridge for a bear and got the animal crackers from the cabinet.

"Are you crazy? Why'd you do that?" I asked.

"They deserved to know." Justin shouted.

"They didn't need to." Kellin started to cry.

"Not gonna work on us this time princess. They are pissed at you both." CC said, tossing a cracker in his mouth.

"They were even more pissed when we told them about how you cheated with each other. We even had to hold them back." Justin bluntly said.

"I got punched in the jaw by your boyfriend." CC pointed at me.

I sat there in astonishment. I can't believe they really told them we did that. It was an honest mistake, I didn't mean for it to happen. Kellin is my friend and Andy is my boyfriend. That's how it's suppose to be, this can't happen. I really want to kill myself now, life just sucks for me.

"Oh yeah, they're gone to the airport too, by the way." Justin said as he walked over to get a swig of CC's beer.

"When did they leave?" Kellin asked.

"Uh five minutes before we came." I looked at my phone. Our plane was leaving in fifteen minutes.

"We have to catch our flight." I told them. I grabbed my suitcase and walked to the door, hearing Kellin trail behind me. Kellin and I left the bus and waved down a cab. The whole ride I couldn't dare look at Kellin.

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