Chapter 44

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(Third Person)

Kellin stood there dressed and ready as a happy Vic entered the room. He walked to Kellin and wrapped his arms around his waist. Kellin wrapped his arms and locked them behind Vic's neck.

"I missed you." Vic told him.

"I missed you too." They leaned in, kissing each other. Kellin let out a soft moan and Vic pulled back.

"I don't know what I would do without you." Vic pushed strands of hair from Kellin's face and kissed him once more.

"Awww babe." Kellin said through their lips.

They pulled away and Vic grabbed his hand.

"Come on." He pulled once more and Kellin pulled back.

"Why? What's going on?" He wasn't to sure on what Vic had planned.

"Trust me." He went and kissed him reassuringly and led him to the door.

They both walked out the room and got in the elevator. Andy came out into the hall and saw the two. He gave Vic a thumbs up and Vic returned the favor to Andy. The doors closed and the elevator slowly descended sending butterflies rushing through Kellin's stomach.

"Where are we going?" Kellin asked eagerly.

"You'll see." Vic said as the doors opened.

They exited from the hotel and began walking. Kellin wasn't prepared for walking. He had wore his toms and could feel the concrete the more he stepped. Vic had on khaki shorts, his vans, and PTV shirt with the sleeves cut out. Kellin groaned in frustration because he had to walk and he didn't know where he was going.


Andy was in the room waiting for Ashley to get out the shower. He had gone swimming and smelled like chlorine. Andy made him shower because the smell made his head hurt. He went and sat on the bed and waited impatiently.

"Hurry the fuck up. Does it take this long?" He screamed to Ashley.

"Sorry. I'm almost done." Although it was only 7 Andy just wanted to take a shower.

He had been sweating all day and hated the feel of dry sweat on him. He heard the water off and muttered 'Finally' to himself. Ashley emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Out of my way princess." Andy said pushing past Ashley. He closed the door and started the shower.

"You can be such an ass." Ashley yelled outside the door to him.

"Yeah, because I have to put up with a whiney bitch like you." He shot back. Andy laughed at the comment in the shower while Ashley's face was covered with shock.

Andy showered quickly as Ashley picked out his clothes to wear. He was nearly finished putting them on when Andy walked out the bathroom. Ashley pulled his shirt over his head as Andy went to his suitcase.

"You want to go do something fun before we go to eat?" Ashley was continuously trying to break through to Andy.

"Nah, I'm okay. I'm just going to listen to music or watch a movie." He started to get dressed.

Ashley tensed up at the sight and became uncomfortable. He looked away to keep himself from staring at Andy. Andy smirked at his decision to look away.

"It's not like you haven't seen this all before." He pulled up his jeans and buttoned them.

"It's just I don't want to, I don't know, I don't know where we stand and seeing you like that makes me uncomfortable some." He explained as he watched Andy put his shirt on.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that." Andy said. Ashley perked up, this was the moment he had been waiting for.

"What about it?" His tone rose with excitement.

"Well, I don't know how to exactly put it in words." He started. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Andy sighed with relief and went to answer it while Ashley groaned in annoyance.

"Hey Mike." Andy faked a smile.

"Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting anything." he walked inside and Andy closed the door behind him.

"Actually," Ashley started but was interrupted.

"We just finished." Andy said.

"Okay good, well I want to tell you guys a secret. Next Friday I'm going to throw a surprise party for Vic." He exclaimed.

"That's awesome! What's the surprise?" Andy asked. Ashley didn't want to be in the conversation so he went and sat on the bed and played with his phone while they talked.

"Well, I got the idea at the hospital. Vic still doesn't know, and we will not tell him yet. This party is to show him how much we appreciate him and that he means a lot to us. I talked to Kellin about it already and he's going to ask Vic to marry him. He's also going to surprise him with something else, but I can't say. He made me promise." Mike was soo excited he was shaking.

"Oh my god. I can't wait. I'm really going to be looking forward to it. Will we have it here?" Andy asked sounding like a fangirl.

"No, we're leaving Wednesday, to have it. It'll be at their beach house in San Diego. Tony and Jaime are setting it up already, CC's going over there today, and Justin and Gabe are planning to clear 3 city blocks and are inviting only our closest band friends, family and other friends along with a few fans." Ashley looked up from his phone and saw the two bickering like teenage girls.

"I can't wait. This is going to be amazing." Andy exclaimed.

For the rest of the time left, Mike and Andy talked about the party. When it reached 9 o clock, Ashley pointed out that him and Andy had a date. Andy sighed when he remembered and gave Mike a hug as he left.

"Lets go and get this over with." Ashley stood up and with Andy they walked out the room.


"Where are we?" Kellin asked looking around.

"It's this park I found earlier, I know it took us a long to get here, but we still have some way to go." Kellin groaned and Vic kissed his forehead.

"I don't want to walk anymore." He whined.

"Well what if I told you that if you don't walk then I'm breaking up with you." Vic smiled evilly.

"Vic you can't do that to me." He whined and fell in Vic's arms.

"I will and I can. Just a few more feet." He pushed Kellin in front of him making him go. There was a small light that showed across the grass.

"Awww Vic. Did you do this for me?" He smiled as tears filled his eyes. There was a blanket laid out and candles everywhere.

"Only the best for you." He leaned in and kissed Kellin. They slowly landed on the ground still engaged in the passionate kiss. Kellin pulled away and looked into Vic's eyes.

"I love you. And I forever will. I'll do anything to be by your side." Vic's eyes began to water.

"I love you too." He leaned in and kissed him once more before pulling away and taking out a basket that was behind Kellin.

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