Chapter 41

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Kellin and Vic finally patched things up, now all that was left was me and Andy to make amends. I didn't know what my approach to him would be, all I knew was that I had set my hopes high. I felt it in my heart that we would be back together. I had thought about it all night, if Vic and Kellin can make up why can't we?

I tried one day but was unsuccessful. I told him about the night me and Kellin hooked up and the one afterwards. He couldn't even look at me or mutter a single word to me. He ended up giving me the cold shoulder. Vic tried to convince him it was all just mixed up feelings, that only made it worse.

"Me and you had mixed feelings but we never fucked!" He yelled at Vic. And that was true, I wouldn't be surprised if he never took me back.

I told Vic and Kellin my new plan to try and make things up with Andy. They thought it was sweet that I was putting forth the extra effort. Andy had ignored me the two days that we've been down here. We ordered another hotel room, giving Kellin and Vic the old one and me and Andy the new one. Mike bought his own on a floor under us.

Andy would sleep on the bed sometimes and when I'd climb in he would get out and sleep on the couch. He seemed really pissed at me and I felt bad, I would take the couch giving him the bed. I just couldn't get through to him. My new plan was to set up a romantic date to see if he would accept my apology and go from there.

"Can't we just talk about us please?" I shouted at him one day. I was getting really annoyed at the whole innocent act he pulled off.

"There's nothing to talk about." He was going back and forth in the rooms looking for his phone.

"Andy. This is something to talk about. It's important." I tried to grab his arm but he yanked it away.

"It's nothing to talk about okay? And if you're not going to help me look for my phone then fuck off." He said as he crouched down to look under the bed.

"Is that really how your going to be?" I was close to giving up on him.

"Found it, yes." He stood up and placed it on the charger. "Look I'm already stressed out, I don't need anymore. We can talk about this later. I'm about to take a shower." He grabbed his towel and clothes and went into the bathroom slamming the door.

Great, he was being stubborn again. He'll tell me a thousand times that we can talk about it later, and yet he'll still refuse to discuss it. I went over to his phone, it was charging, he had no new notifications, so maybe he wasn't talking to Vic much anymore. Suddenly his phone vibrated. It showed a preview of the message.

Austin: 'can't wait for tonight. It'll be fun....'

You got to be shitting me. He's meeting someone tonight? Why the fuck do I even try sometimes? I refuse to just stand by and let him go out with whoever this Austin dude is.

I took out my phone and googled restaurants in the UK. I'm not giving up this easily on Andy and if I have to fight for him I will.

It gave me the top ten restaurants, there was only one that stood out most.

Gaucho Manchester, it looked magnificent, it was a perfect restaurant for any type of date. They had the best wine and the place was huge as fuck.

I called to set up reservations for two at 8 o clock tonight. When I got off the phone I heard the water turn off, I quickly tried to act normal. My way of normal was running over to Andy's suitcase and pretending to stretch.

He came out buttoning his jeans and carrying his shirt in his hand. He looked at me suspiciously, he knew something was going on.

"What's up with you?" He said as he started putting his shirt on.

"Oh nothing." I chuckled nervously. He tilted his head to the side curiously and then shrugged.

He went over to his phone and must have noticed the text from 'Austin'. He started to smile at his phone and I knew he was reading it, while he was replying I decided to talk to him.

"Hey Andy?" He looked up from his phone and then looked back down.

"What?" He was agitated and annoyed I could tell.

"You wanna do something fun today?" I started preparing myself for the worst to ease the pain.

"Nah, can't." He laid his phone back on the charger and went over to his suitcase.

"Why not?" I wanted to confirm my suspicions, but I wondered if he would lie.

"Can't. Hanging out with some people later." I thought that was maybe kind of true so I accepted it.

"Okay. What about later tonight?" I suggested.

"Why?" I struck his temper. The vein in his forehead began to pop out a little.

"I just wanted to take you somewhere." I answered innocently.

"Fine. What time?" I smiled at the fact he gave in.

"Can't. Make it 9:30." He told me.

"Okay." He put on his combat boots, took his phone out the charger, and without a word left.

I called the restaurant back and told them to change the time of the reservation. It took a long time of convincing but I did it, and I couldn't wait for tonight.

I was confident in myself at this point, I had a date with Andy tonight. But shit! I didn't know what I was going to wear. Should I wear a tux or my usual getup. This was going to be harder than I thought.

**Andy's P.O.V.**

I was tired of Ashley's constant begging and wanting to talk to me. I didn't talk, couldn't he see that, I've blown off the conversation for the past couple days now. I don't want to talk about it, there was nothing to talk about.

He was getting intimate with another man, not having any remorse. While I, on the other hand, felt guilty every time I laid hands on Vic or kissed him. I never took it as far as he and Kellin did. That was one of the things that shocked me, the way Vic forgave him even after what he did.

I brushed the thoughts away from my mind. I was standing in front of Vic's door, I texted him a few minutes ago to ask was he ready. He wanted me to give him a few minute before I come. It had been nearly six minutes.

I knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

"I got it." I heard Vic warn Kellin. He swung the door open and greeted me with a friendly hug and smile. "Hey!"

"Hey, you ready to go?" I saw Kellin eyeing behind the bedroom doors.

"Yeah, let's go." I stepped back so he could walk out. "I'm leaving." He yelled to Kellin before shutting the door.

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