Chapter 59

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I've been waiting for this day for soo long. Finally, we can party. Everything is set up, all our friends have flown in. It's just going to be magnificent. The thing is we have to childproof everything now.

Mike has been specializing in that. He designated a few drinking and smoking areas so that the kids wouldn't have to be around that stuff. He even booked a bounce house and things that they might like. It honestly looked fun, I tried to get in but he said he would punch me in the dick.

"Hey Mike are you finished yet?" Jaime asked from behind me.

"Nope. I want to make sure everything is perfect." He continued moving and setting things up.

"He really is stressed over this whole party thing." I told Jaime as he handed me a beer.

"He's been that way since they got back. If you weren't too busy getting drunk and shit you would notice." He smirked.

"Hey partying is a lifestyle not an occasion." He defended himself.

"Whatever. I'm about to go get ready." He turned around and went back towards the house.

"Okay. Hey grab me another beer." I called after him.

"Get it yourself, lazy bum." He laughed.

"Douche." I muttered under my breath.

I need to at least get a buzz on before I can truly party tonight.

**Andy's P.O.V.**

The party starts in half an hour and I checked with Mike to make sure I had an opening in the speeches. He said I would be near the end, but not the last because that's Vic's spot.

He and Kellin went out to get some of their merch from hot topic and would be back in time. I just got done getting dressed and I'm waiting on Ashley. We're suppose to be performing because we're good friends with the guys and because Blood On The Dance Floor cancelled.

"Ashley come on! We need to get there before I die." I yelled up to him.

"Sorry Andy. Everyone isn't as skilled as you when it comes to war paint." He yelled sarcastically.

"We told Mike we would be there at 4:30, it's 4:26 now." He always took the longest.

"I'm coming." He started coming down the stairs.

I grabbed my keys and we were out of the house. It didn't take that long to get to Mike's parents house, but we wouldn't get there on time. I was speeding through the highway to make it, while Ashley had his window down. He was moving his hand against the window.

When we made it to the house it was 4:34. We got out and ran around back, to the beach front, to find Mike.

"Thanks for getting here on time." He said from behind. We turned around to see he was carrying a cake.

"Ohhh, I want some." Ashley tried to take it from him.

"Nope, it's for Vic and Kellin." He went and laid it on the table.

It read:

'Best big brother, Father, and Husband Ever.'

I looked around in amazement at all the extreme measures Mike had taken. He really wanted this to be the best party for Vic. I even saw he had a bounce house set up for the kids.

"You've really outdone yourself." I was impressed.

"Thanks, I just need help." He ran over to the house and we followed. "I've been trying to keep this as PG as possible for the kids. I've made smoking and drinking areas, but I'm scared I missed something." He was freaking out.

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