Chapter 39

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The real and not final CHAPTER 39


I was glad to be alone tonight with Lauren. Celebrating our anniversary, and surprising her with the ring. It's all planned out perfectly. I can't imagine my life without her, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Right now I'm waiting for her to come from the bathroom. I've got a table set up in the middle of the living space of the bus. I have candles, flowers, and all the mushy, romantic shit she likes. Anything for her, I'll spoil her.

I start to play with the food on my plate while waiting for her. I know she just went in there, but I'm kind of an impatient person.

"Babe, what's taking soo long?" I yelled at her.

"Christian, what have I told you about rushing me?" I love it when she's feisty.

"Sorry. I just miss looking at you." I whine.

"Aww, I'm coming babe." I heard the water turn on indicating she was washing her hands.

My phone started to ring, shit, what do they want. It was Andy, didn't he get enough last time? Does he honestly want more from me? Lauren came out and ran her fingers through my hair as I answered the phone.

"What do you want Andy?" My breath hitched as Lauren kissed my neck.

"CC just hear me out." He begged. I could swear it sounded like he was crying.

"Fine. What is it man?" I turned my head and kissed Lauren, before she walked back over to her seat.

"It's about Vic." He choked

"Yeah, yeah, you and him are a thing now. I know Ashley told me." I said snappily. Honestly, did he just call to brag.

"No, it's...... I'll let Mike tell you." He hesitated.

"Wait, what? Mike why is he over there?" He didn't answer me and Mike answered the phone.


"Yeah Mike?" Lauren looked at me questioningly.

We saw Mike the other day with Tony and Jake. The guys had been gone for four days now, so I know he hadn't gone with him. What was going on?

"Vic is in the hospital." I instantly freaked. Springing from my chair and jumping around. "What the hell. Your lying. Fuck you stop playing with me man."

"I'm not he is. He has a tumor in his brain." Shit just got real. I dropped to the floor and dropped the phone.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked me.

"I, Vic, he's in the hospital. He has a tumor." I dropped into her arms and began to cry. This can't happen.

**Kellin's P.O.V.**

Me and Ashley had showered and gotten dressed and were walking around. We decided to go to the beach and just sit around in the sand. We brought a towel with us and laid out shoes and phones there while we walked. Hand in hand we strolled along the coast as the water ran over our feet and sand stuck between our toes.

This was perfect.

We walked for what seemed like hours, my feet began to ache and Ashley carried me on his back for a while before returning to our towel. He slowly put me down and laid down beside me.

"I'm going to miss this." He told me.

"What do you mean? We still have a couple more weeks here." I glanced at him curiously.

"I know, I'm just talking about the atmosphere, mood, and you." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Geek." I teased him. He rolled his eyes and looked up at the sky.

My phone started to vibrate, I hoped it was Vic but that was crushed when I saw it was CC. I love CC but that's just disappointment coming when he calls. It's just to bicker on and on about things.

"Yes CC?" I answered.

"Did I do something?" He asked quickly.

"No, I'm just tired and cranky a bit. What's up?" I tried to change the subject.

He spoke quickly. "Call Mike you need to go see Vic, like now. No questions asked. Just call Mike or Andy and listen to what they have to tell you." And with that he hung up.

"What the hell?" I muttered under my breath.

"What happened?" Ashley heard me.

"Um I don't really know I have to call Mike." I told him as I dialed Mike's number. It was busy. Of course. I dialed Kellin's number and he picked up, his tone was unlike CC's.

"Hey Kellin." His voice was perky.

"Hey Andy, what's going on?" I asked cautiously.

"Um hold on." He told me and I heard him speak to Vic in the background. "I'll be back."

I waited before asking again. "Andy is everything alright?" He officially broke down.

"No. Kellin, Vic's in the hospital." I could hardly understand through his cries until he got to the end. "And he said Vic has a tumor."

My jaw dropped at the word.

"Liar. Don't fucking call me." I yelled at him.

"Kellin, it's true. It's soo bad, I've been putting on this act because we don't want to tell him yet but he does." He started back to crying and I couldn't take it.

I handed the phone to Ashley and walked away. I can't believe Vic has cancer, he can't. The love of my life with cancer. No, I can't live without him and he can't die without me. After walking for a long time I stopped and sat down. I didn't care that the tide was getting me wet, I didn't care about anything anymore. The one thing I did care about I was losing, forever.

I heard footsteps approaching me, I didn't glance back at him. He came and sat by me and I let everything go.

"Why couldn't it have been me? I don't have anything to live for anymore." I cried, pulling my knees to my chest, and burying my head in them.

"Kellin, it's not your fault, these type of things just happen." He tried to calm me and rubbed my back soothingly.

"But it's not suppose to happen to him. I'd sell my soul for it to be me rather than him." I mumbled through my jeans.

"Yeah, but how you're acting right now is what he would be doing if it were you." That did make since.

"I just love and miss him. This can't be happening." I let go and laid on his shoulder.

"Well why don't we go see him?" I perked up at the thought that I might soon be seeing my love.

"You mean it?" He nodded.

"We can go get packed now." He stood up and held his hand out to me.

I took it in no time and walked with him back to the hotel. I'm going to see my boyfriend and I'm going to hold him and never let him go.

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