Chapter 43

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Vic would be gone all day with Andy and truth be told, I was jealous and scared of that. The thought that something could happen between them made fear and anxiety coarse through me.

I know Vic told me don't worry about it when he left this morning, but I couldn't help it. How would anyone feel if their boyfriend was going out with his best friend he had feelings for? Okay maybe I am freaking out and being paranoid, I mean he wouldn't have gotten back with me if he still wanted Andy.

Maybe I'm just taking things the wrong way. I wonder if Ashley is even concerned the slightest about all this. I went over to the bathroom and picked my phone up from by the sink and dialed Ashley's number.

"Hello?" He seemed excited about something.

"Hey, what are you soo happy about?" He started giggling like a little school girl.

"I finally got Andy to agree to go on a date with me tonight." He squealed and I was in shock.

"Are you guys back together?" I jumped to conclusion they were or were going to be.

"No not yet. But I'm just waiting for him to get back. He's out right now I don't really know where. But I know he's with some Austin dude." He seemed to not care about it but i knew it bothered him. "What are you and Vic doing? Do you guys wanna help me tonight?"

"Uh Vic's gone right now. He went with Andy but we have plans tonight." I explained.

"With Andy? When?" He was startled that they were gone together.

"They left this morning, they were going to hang with some guys they met here." He didn't seem fazed by me telling him they were with friends.

"How do you feel about this? I mean Andy blows me off the whole while I'm here and I have to wait until he gets back to spend an hour or two with him." He was at his breaking point.

"I'm okay with it, I guess. I trust Vic. It's just that I'm scared. And they'll be back at 8, Vic told me." He exhaled deeply.

"Okay. Well I'm gonna go find something to do. I'll talk to you later." He didn't give me a chance to reply before hanging up.

Okay, maybe that was a bad idea to call Ashley. I didn't know who else to call though, Mike was out wandering about, so he was out of the question. Maybe I can just find something to entertain me with, it's cool enough to go swimming.

I went to my suitcase, thankful I still had swim trunks from the Bahamas. I went into the bathroom and slipped them on before grabbing my phone and a towel. I put on my toms and started going out the door. I opened the elevator door and stepped in, Ashley was coming out of his room and I made the elevator stay open.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked.

"Swimming. Wanna come?" I knew that was a bad thing to do, but we both had moved on from each other.

"Sure, let me get some trunks." He walked back into his room.

I stepped out of the elevator into the hall to wait. Also because I didn't want any of the other guests to think the elevator was broken because it wouldn't open to them. It was a while but he returned back with his cowboy boots on, and his phone and towel in his hand. He was also wearing his sunglasses which puzzled me.

"You know the pool is inside, right?" I asked as he pressed the elevator button.

"Purdy's got to look cool at all times." He winked at me.

"Lame." I debated.

"Whatever." He pushed me away as the elevator opened up.

"Hey, be nice." I commanded him. He smiled sarcastically back at me.

We rode down the elevator, listening to the music, well I listened Ashley hummed. When it opened up, I started to feel insecure that all of these people were in the lobby. Ashley walked out and I shyly followed behind as he led the way to the pools.

"Cannonball!" Ashley shouted when we reached the entrance. He threw his phone and towel on the chair and kicked off his boots before jumping splashing in the pool.

"Jerk. You nearly got me wet." I yelled at him.

"Sorry. But jump in. Come on." I laid my things down and took off my toms.

"What if I don't want to jump in." I teased a bit.

"You jump in or I'm going to make you drown." I got a little terrified.

"Fine." I turned the volume on my phone up so I'll know if Vic calls or texts me.

I made my way around the pool over to the diving board. I climbed the few steps and made my way to the edge. It wasn't very high up but I was paranoid that I'd slip and fall and hit my head or something.

"Come on you pussy." He yelled loudly.

"Ashley!" My eyes open wide at his remark. He fell back into the water laughing.

"Come on, just jump in." He choked through his laughter.

"Okay." I took a deep breath and jumped. I felt my body become engulfed in the waters.

"See. Wasn't that scary." He smiled at me and dived into the water.

I could see him some swimming around and beside me. He would emerge for air and go back down. He was really enjoying swimming. I stayed in the same place just kicking my feet around, loving the water. I closed my eyes as I laid to float on top of the water.

"Why don't you swim around?" I opened my eyes to see him standing beside me.

"I don't want to." I closed my eyes to relax again.

"Why?" He sounded like a young child.

"Because I'm just stressed. I just want to relax." He must've gotten the answer he wanted because I felt the waters move away from me.

Time passed by for what seemed slowly. I was loving just laying like this, I think Ashley had gotten out. I didn't hear or feel him kicking around anymore or anything. I opened my eyes and he was nowhere in sight maybe he went back to his room. I closed my eyes again and laid back. I was suddenly pulled down into the water, I started to freak.

I was met go and I rushed to the surface looking around. There was laughing behind me. I turned around to see Ashley and Mike laughing at me. Mike pointed at Ashley ratting him out.

"Ashley you asshole." He just continued to laugh.

"Sorry, but that was too funny." Mike said through his laughs.

I swam to the side of the pool and got out. Going over and pushing them for laughing at me. I went to my chair and got my things, I saw Vic was calling.

"Hey, be ready in ten minutes." I was going to ask questions but he hung up.

I looked at the time, it was 5, maybe they cut things short. Mike and Ashley were already leaving, I ran to catch up with them. I rushed to my room when the doors of the elevator opened, I took a shower and got dressed as quickly as possible with three minutes to spare.

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