Chapter 49

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"What are you doing with my phone? Have you been looking through my messages?" Kellin changed the subject.

"Shut the fuck up, one of you better tell me what this is talking about." Kellin stepped back offended and I stood in silence looking at Vic.

I've never seem him like this before, he was hella angry. I don't want to calm him, that'll just make him worst. Kellin and I look at each other and back at Vic. He was still holding up the phone traveling the text. Dammit Ashley.

"One of you better talk right now, or so God help me." Vic threw Kellin's phone on the couch violently.

"Vic, it's nothing. I don't even know what he's talking about." Kellin walked over to Vic. He slapped him sending him to fall over onto the couch.

"Don't fucking lie to me Kellin." He looked at me. I looked down at Kellin who was holding his jaw, tears began raining down his face.

"Now Vic. I know you're angry." I started and he walked towards me.

"Ohhh, I'm beyond angry. My best friend is in the hospital from a seizure he had. One that was caused from the stress of keeping a secret from me. It must be one big secret to do that." He ranted. He continued to walk to me.

"Vic." I started. He interrupted me.

"Now Mike, are you going to tell me what it's about? Or am I going to have to break it out of you?" He raised his eyebrow up.

"Wait, can you just send down for a minute?" I put out my hands to keep him arms length from me. He slapped my hands away from him.

"I won't do a god damn thing until one of you tell me what it is you're hiding." He looked from me to Kellin. "Kellin, tell me."

He stopped walking towards me, and headed over to Kellin. He whimpered in fear as Vic got closer. I knew he would hurt Kellin, I couldn't let that happen. The next thing I knew I was acting on impulse.

"We can't tell you Vic." I confessed. He turned towards me with enraged eyes.

"Can't tell me? Okay." He grabbed the phone and headed to the door.

I tried to stop him by blocking his way out the door. I only angered him more, as he swung back and his fist collided with my face. I refused to move, even when I felt blood touch over my lips. He swung back again and threw another punch sending me to the floor.

"Mike!" I heard Kellin yell.

I looked up to see Vic storm over me and through the hall. He reached the elevator the same time Kellin got to me. He got in and the doors closed before I could stop him. I knew what he was doing, Kellin went to get a rag for my nose. When he got back I stood up and went down the hall.

"Come on. We're going after Vic." I yelled back to Kellin. I opened the elevator and he ran, catching up and getting in before the doors closed.

**Andy's P.O.V.**

I was strapped to a gurney and my vision was cloudy. I don't think I remember anything that happened, I didn't drink, I went back to my room after talking to Mike. What did I do wrong?

"Andy?" I looked at the door to see Ashley. His eyes were red and his face was puffy. He smiled and walked over to my side.

"Hey Ashley." I smiled back.

"I missed you. I was soo worried." He began to cry a little.

"I missed you. But Ashley what happened?" He grabbed hold of my hands.

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