Chapter 34

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Author's Note:

Smut Alert.

Long live Kellshley.



Andy and I agreed on going to an art museum but instead we were walking around admiring the magnificent buildings. We both got easily distracted and walked two miles away from where the museum was located. We had to stop and ask for directions which I was completely against. I could find my way there, my phone has a map smarter than any person.

I accepted that he was going to do whatever he wanted and I couldn't stop him. That was what I loved and hated about him. If I told Kellin to not do something he would listen and not put up a fight. I loved that Andy put up a fight but I didn't like that he didn't do as I said.

We made it to the museum, when we first stepped inside I was truly amazed. The roof of the building was covered in beautiful sea blue glass panels. I couldn't even think of anything or any place better than this. We started up the stairs and looked around at the beautiful pieces of art hung around us.

"This is beauty." Andy said in awe.

"It truly is." I looked at him as he was silenced by the artwork.

We spent hours walking around and gawking at the paintings and the structure of the building. Everything was amazing. We went through the last half of the museum that was made up of statues. We walked around thinking silently about them. This was the best day of my life. Midway through the hall of statues, Andy grabbed my hand and held it. I looked over at him and saw him look at our hands and smile.

I didn't mind holding his hand, it was weird to do though because I wasn't one to hold hands. It was awkward as well because me and Andy hadn't really exposed ourselves to the public. I let it slide though because I was on vacation and I was enjoying this day.

"Do you want to go get some food?" Andy asked as we were getting ready to leave.

"Sure." I smiled at him.

We were still holding hands as we walked through the town trying to find the nearest restaurant. We made it to some place we really couldn't pronounce. Andy begged to go in, he wouldn't tell me why though.

I followed after him. We were given a table and menu to look through. The waiter bought over some bread sticks and our drinks.

"Are you gentleman ready to order yet?" The tall man asked.

"Um, not yet." I told him.

"That's fine, take your time." He pardoned himself to attend to another table.

"You see anything you like?" I looked at him suspiciously and shook my head.

"Not really. I'll just have whatever you have." I told him, laying my menu down.

"Okay. I think I'll have the chicken tetrazzini, is that okay with you?" he asked to make sure.

"Yeah it's fine." I took a sip of my water and noticed Andy looking at me.

"You know this is a date right?" He smiled deviously.

"No. Andy please don't." I begged him.

His face turned to disappointment. "Sorry."

When the waiter came back we gave him our orders. Andy asked for a glass of scotch or jack. The waiter returned with his glass and our food. For the rest of the night he was silent. He didn't talk or look at me. I felt bad to treat him this way, but I had to.

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