Chapter 42

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I was glad to be out of the watchful eye of Kellin. He was being very overprotective for some reason and I didn't even know why, he wouldn't say. But for now I am with Andy and we were going to have some fun tonight.

"You sure you're up for this?" He asked as we left the hotel.

"Of course." I smiled, shoving him playfully.

We had plans to meet up with Austin and his boyfriend, Alan, Andy had met both of them already. We were gonna all hang out and then grab something to eat. I was looking forward to it, I a also wanted to thank Austin for keeping Andy under control when the paramedics came for me.

I don't exactly know where we were going, all I know was that Andy knew where to meet them. Whenever I ask Andy just puts on an evil smirk and laughs, he's such an idiot.

"Why can't you just tell me?" I asked after he calmed down.

"Because, dear Vic, it wouldn't be a surprise." He exclaimed.

"It isn't a surprise we're going to see Austin and Alan." He must think I forgot.

"That's what you think, oh sweet, naive Vic." He smiled my way.

"So we're not going to see them?" I'm going to squeeze the answer from out of him.

"Did I say that?" He was playing and giving me all these riddles.

"Ugh, your so difficult." He laughs. "Well can you tell me if we're close to being there?"

"Oh, yeah. It's like a couple more minutes." Now that I could deal with.

I followed behind him, turning a corner to show what looked like a party. It couldn't have been a party because it was still morning. There's something wrong with this, I look at Andy who has the evilest grin spreading on his face. Okay, he's going to kill me, he's turned into a serial killer.

"Come on." He grabs my arm and yanks me toward the crowd of people.

"Where are we going?" I didn't want to wander aimlessly without knowing.

"No time to explain. We're late. Just come on." I exhaled and followed. Why was I trusting him not to kill me?

We went through the crowd of people, who were jumping around to some type of dub step or techno music. I noticed I was starting to trail behind Andy. I ran to catch up to him, he went inside a building. I looked inside, it was like a club or something. Why was it this packed?

"Are you coming or what?" Andy had stopped to look back at me.

"Yeah." I walked through the door and up to him.

He grabbed my hand and guided me over to one of the tables on the side. I saw some ginger head dude, who was easy to spot out first. Sitting next to him was Austin, that must be Alan then. They saw us approaching them and stood up to greet us.

"Hey guys," Austin said. "Nice to see you doing better Vic."

"Yeah me too," I remembered Andy telling me Austin came to comfort him when he found out that something was wrong with me.

"Yeah, but I don't believe you met my boyfriend, Alan, he met Andy already." The ginger head stood up and pushed his hair back.

"Nice to meet you." He held out his hand, and I took it. Shaking his hand he gave me an apologetic smile, he must have felt bad that I was sick.

"Well why don't you guys sit?" Austin motioned at the opposite side of the booth they were sitting in.

We accepted and nodded moving into the both. Austin and Alan sat down at the same time, squeezing next to each other, me and Andy followed. There was a silence before any decided to speak.

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