Chapter Six

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It's seven in the fucking morning. What the hell is going on?

My phone was vibrating in my pocket. The first thing that came to my mind was who the hell texted me this early in the fucking morning?

I reach and grab it, looking at the time just to check. It was 7:13am. What the fuck? But the the thing that catches me was who sent it. It was sent 3 hours ago. I must have been out for a while then. Unlocking it eager to check my messages.

As I clicked the notification that read 'One New Message From Ashley💜.' My heart sank as it took me to the message. I had to be dreaming now.

"I'm sorry for tonight. I know that I probably pressured you into it somehow when you were just drunk. I took advantage of that and I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

Oh my God what the fuck have I done. I had Ashley to myself I let him slip through my fingers. I can't let this happen. I had to have him to myself I couldn't have him then no one could.

I opened the curtain to look over at him. I couldn't help but think of what he must be dreaming about. I wanted to go over there rip him from his bed and fuck the hell out of him. But something was holding me back.

I tried to concentrate on my thoughts, to contain them. I couldn't focus with this shit playing. I snatched out the headphones and cut off the music. Better but not by much. I wondered why my mind was soo caught up on him now. I was able to control all the urges before, but now it was like I was like a newborn child longing for it's mother's presence.

I can't handle this.

Without hesitation, I got up and left the bedroom, grabbed a beer, and sat on the couch me and him had been laying on.

I opened the beer and I had to do something that may be risky, but as I told Ashley that's what life is about.

I unlocked my phone, going to new message. What was I doing? I must be losing my mind.

I clicked to, scrolling through my contacts I clicked the name.

Stop you fucking retard. My mind was get angrier as I began to type the message. Your making a huge mistake. I had to though.


In ten minutes I got a reply.

Hey. Where are you? What's up?

I'm in the living space on the bus. And I just I-I need him more than ever now. After last night I can't help myself. If I were to encounter him again something will surely happen. I think I'm just gonna tell him that I love him, and have loved him for the past 4 years. He's all I ever think about. Why can't I just kiss him. What's holding me back from going in that room, grabbing his outlaw ass and fucking the shit out of him until I make his eyes roll into the back of his head? I need him right now. I can't continue going on like this.


Well what's done is done now. I just have to hope for the best.


No need for an apology I wanted it. I wanted every bit of you. Last night was one of the best times I'd had in a long time. I didn't mean for it to end the way it did. I couldn't keep my beer down I guess. Let's try it again sometime.

My mind began to get frantic. I was hyperventilating. I had to.

Save As Draft.

I'm such an idiot. Why won't you just send it already? Ugh I hate myself. I drank my beer, finishing it, I smashed the can with my head. I picked that up from CC.

I stormed to the bathroom to shower. With the towel around my waist I looked in the mirror. My lip where the ring was still a bit red. I began to dry my hair, brushing it. I soon was satisfied with it's look.

I walked in the room, grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and left out.

Going back into the living space I got dressed. Putting on my batman boxers, my black skinny jeans. Soon putting on my leather jacket I loved so much because it had no sleeves.

I walked off the bus, putting on my gloves, I walked over to our manager, Austin.

"Hey man, I'm going on a coffee run."

"Long night?"

"You don't know the half of it." He smiled and I laughed sarcastically.

"Let's just get this shit over with." I muttered under my breath. This truly was going to be a long day.

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