Chapter 24

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Kellin had been in the shower for a pretty long time. I was getting worried. I went to the door and knocked waiting for an answer.

He didn't answer. "Kellin, babe, come on I have to shower and get ready too." I called to him.

"Sorry, I'm getting out now." He yelled back. I heard the water shut off and then the door opened presenting a wet Kellin with a towel around his waist.

"I put your clothes on the bed for you." I told him as I kissed him and walked into the bathroom to shower. Closing the door behind me I heard him calling me.

"Vic!" He shouted for a third time.

"Yeah babe?" I yelled back.

He opened the door and I pushed back the curtain.

"A little confident are we?" He smiled and I laughed knowing what he meant.

"Like what you see? You can come shower again." I teased a bit. He shook his head and went to the counter to brush his teeth.

"You know I've been thinking." He started. I began to get really frightened. When Kellin starts to think it's either really good or really bad. It's mostly bad.

"About what?" I closed the curtain and grabbed my Axe shampoo.

"Well I've been thinking about this trip thing and going to help the guys clear their mind and I think it's good that we are going." He spit in the sink.

I stopped washing my hair and looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, we've been through so many things these past months and I think it's good we clear out my minds too." I felt like this was going to get worse but he just took a sip of mouthwash and spit in the sink before leaving.

I took a deep breath and finished showering. I brushed my teeth before leaving the bathroom, I didn't want to see Kellin right now. What if he was saying we need to take a break from each other.

I left from the bathroom and went to the bedroom. Kellin wasn't in there so I figured he left. I got dressed and walked off the bus to find him. He was on the other bus talking to Ashley. I got somewhat uncomfortable, but I got on the bus anyways.

"Ready to go?" I took a deep breath.

"Yeah." He jumped from beside Ashley and walked to me. I grabbed his hand and guided him off the bus. He trailed behind me with our hands still intwined as we got to the restaurant.

**Andy P.O.V**

Vic and Kellin were going on a date tonight. He was planning on telling Kellin that he was thinking about having kids. He and I went to an orphanage earlier and I begged him to come inside. He gave in and followed me, but after seeing all the beautiful children there without a home he couldn't handle it. He left and was gone for some time. I went to the front and saw him talking to Kellin outside of the door.

When he came back he was tense, he wanted to tell Kellin but he was afraid it was a too big of a move. They weren't married and hardly were at home, so how could they raise a child, but he still wanted to talk to him about it. I convinced him to and he said he would tonight. I can't wait to know what will happen.

I started thinking about the trip me and Vic were going to take to Europe. He said we were going to leave in there days so that was a rush. I started looking up things we could do in Europe. Go to Paris or to the coliseums, I know I want to go to the art museums. I heard the door to the bus open and I figured Kellin and Vic were back, since it was their bus. But it was too early for them to be back yet. I waited to see who was at the door when stumbling in came none other than a drunken CC and a drunken Justin. Great, now all we are missing is a drunken Tony and we can have a party.

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