Chapter Twenty

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"I know what you did. I just don't think we should continue this." He told me.

I could feel the tears coming and I didn't want him to see how much I was hurting. I cleared my throat and waited for a minute before speaking.

"Andy what do you mean? Please, what did I do to deserve this? I only want you." I told him. He just seemed determined, his facial expressions didn't change any. Why was he doing this? What did I do to him to deserve this?

He sighed. "When I was in the hospital, the first night I saw you. While you were sleeping I saw it." He paused. I knew what he was talking about. "I saw the cut marks. I can't let you hurt yourself like that because of me. I know everything isn't going how we wanted with the guys knowing."

This angered me. Was he just making up excuses to end things with me. He didn't want the guys to judge him.

"Andy you fucking hypocrite!" I exploded. I stood over him in disgust. "You did the same damn thing. You ended up in the hospital because of me. I was part of the reason you almost died. How do you think that makes me feel? I only did this to calm my nerves. I contemplated every possible way I could kill myself while you were in that coma. I didn't do anything because I wanted to see you when you woke up. You're what helped me not do it. These are just baby scares compared to what could have been." I felt the tears fall.

"Ashley please, I don't want it to be like this." He held his good hand up as he walked to me to calm me down. I pushed him away making him fall back to the couch. He groaned in pain. I don't think his physical pain could have been worse than my emotional one.

"Don't touch me. I don't need your comfort. I just want to." I stopped and looked at his face. He seemed to regret what he had done. I looked away, grabbed my phone from beside him, and left from the bus.

I started to walk, not knowing where I would go. I just needed to take a minute to myself. I heard faint calls of my name. I knew it was either going to be Kellin or Vic trying to tell me Andy didn't mean it or it would be okay. I continued to walk ignoring the calls. For all I cared the bastard could rot in hell right now, but he would take my heart with him.

**Andy P.O.V.**

After Ashley left I wanted to take back everything back that I said. He had a point, and I was a hypocrite. I can't believe I did that. Apparently Kellin and Vic couldn't either, they rushed from the bedroom. I started to drown myself in tears.

"It'll be alright. He'll come back when he's cooled off." Vic comforted me.

I stood up and rushed to the door as fast as I could. I opened it with the help of Kellin. He helped me down the stairs onto the sidewalk.

"Ashley!" I screamed. Kellin soon followed afterwards. As we called him he kept walking and soon turned the corner.

"He hates me now." I said to myself as I got back on the bus. I went to sit down on the couch opposite of where I was sitting at first.

"What the hell were you thinking Andy?" Vic yelled at me.

"I didn't want him cutting himself again because of me." I cried.

"You should have told one of us that that's what you wanted to do." He retorted. I was getting pissed at his words.

"You were the one who told me to talk to him when I wasn't ready yet!" I snapped back. He knew I was right and he settled down next to me.

"Andy I'm sorry." He tried to tell me but I moved from him.

"I don't care. Just leave me alone Vic. Go be fucking happy in your relationship." I took my phone out and pulled my headphones from my jacket pocket. I started playing my music not caring what song it was.

Vic and Kellin seemed to have sensed I wanted to be alone. They both stood up and left leaving me alone. I feared being alone, I didn't want to be put back into the hospital, but I didn't know what else to do. I turned the volume of the music up to drown out my demon thoughts.

My body ached from when Ashley pushed me, I wanted to take something for it. The only one who had pain pills was CC, he had them for when he was recovering from being drunk. The only problem was I didn't know where they were. I tried to ignore the pain as much as I could.

I decided that I would get someone to come and help me. I needed someone here with me. As I scrolled through my contacts. Alan, Alex, Austin, Beau, Bret Craig, CC. I ignored Ashley's name on purpose. I continues to scroll down skipping the unimportant names. Jaime, Jake, Jenna, Jeremy, Jinxx, Juliet, Mike, Oli, Tay, Tony, Tyler. It was like I didn't have anyone who I could talk to. I felt alone, I wondered when the others would get back.

I got up from the couch and went to the cabinet. It was full of alcohol that CC had yet to touch. I could really use this right about now. I took the strongest one out, the scotch, and took a shot glass that was with it. I grabbed the vodka as I closed the cabinet. Holding the bottles in one hand, trying to keep my grip I went to sit back down.

I poured myself a drink. "Cheers to fuckin up shit, but failing at not giving a damn." I told myself. I threw back the vodka first before drinking the scotch heads up. Fire lit in my throat as I swallowed, I ignored it. I needed to do something to distract my mind and this was what I did. I was going to toughen through.

After finishing the vodka bottle and working myself halfway through the scotch the bus door opened.

"What are you doing?" My vision was shot. Everything was blurry and I couldn't focus on the figure in front of me. I assumed who it was though.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen please forgive me." I slurred.

"Let's get you to bed. Come on." He pulled me from the couch and picked me up.

"Aren't you going to accept my apology?" I asked. He must have still been angered.

"It's alright Andy. You don't have to apologize to me." I saw him crack a smile.

"I love you." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too." I smiled at this. Everything could go back to normal now.

He placed me down on the bed and pulled the covers up to my chest and told me goodnight.

"Wait." I called to him. He returned back over to my side.

I pulled him in and kissed him. He didn't kiss back I wanted so bad for him to. After a while he kissed me back, he began to cup my face in his hands.

I scooted over to make room for him. He climbed into the bed with me and rolled me over on top of him. Simultaneously we both begged for entrance, entangling our tongues together.

"I'm sorry." I continuously repeated as I started to kiss his neck. He let out a moan before stopping me. He rolled me over and got out the bed.

"I'm sorry Andy I can't do this." He told me.

"Ashley please?" I begged.

"Ashley?" He questioned. "No it's Vic, Andy."

"Vic?" I was confused.

"Just- just go to sleep Andy. You need some rest. Goodnight." He uttered as he left room closing the door behind him.

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