Chapter 56

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"Get up!"

"Why?" I groaned and rolled over.

"Because, I'm alone. Andy and Vic are gone." Kellin whined.

I turned over to see him with a worried look. He probably had been stressing.

"Where are they?" I sat up.

"I don't know. I got up and they weren't here." He explained.

"Okay, well I'll text Andy and ask him." I reached over and grabbed my phone from the charger and texted Andy. There was already a text from him though.

'Hey, remember what I told you about Vic's condition? I just told him, he doesn't want Kellin to know though, so don't tell him.'

I thought that Kellin already knew about. Maybe it would be best to keep it from him, he has worried himself enough over it.

'Hey, where are you guys? Me and Kellin woke up without both of you. We miss you.'

"Okay, I texted them. But what are we gonna do all day?" I rolled out the bed and went to my suitcase.

"That's why I wanted to know where Vic went. We have to go somewhere today." I looked at him as I started to the bathroom.

"Really? Where?" He smiled hugely.

"To this orphanage. We're going to be parents!" He screamed.

"You're kidding? Can I come?" I wanted to see the little munchkins.

"We get to bring them home today. We have to go and finalize the documents and we can bring them home this afternoon. I can't wait." He shouted before falling on the bed like he had died.

"You guys are soo cute, you'll make great dads." I admitted.

"Thank you, I'm soo excited. He was too. I wish you could have seen his face when I showed him the papers last night." He sat up and curled himself in the bed.

"Papers?" I walked into the bathroom and started the shower.

"Yeah. They have pictures of the kids and their information. Like it's a boy who's 7 named Carter and a little girl, Savannah who's 3." He shouted to me.

"Really? You must show me later." I hopped in the shower, but I didn't hear Kellin leave. "Hey, do you think it would be a good idea to reveal ourselves?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, you and Vic's fans know about you guys. Our fans don't really know about us yet. Do you think that it'll be a good idea to tell them?" I didn't know if I should or not because of all the harsh criticism the band might get.

"Yes. Yes tell them! Do you not remember how crazy all the Kellic supporters got? The Andley supporters will love it!" That was a good point.

"Okay then, thanks." I finished showering and was wrapping my towel around my waist and walked out.

"Welcome. But I'll go so you can get dressed. I need to get ready for Vic to come anyways. Did Andy text you back yet?" He stood up.

"I don't know." I shrugged and went to check to my phone. He did.

'We just went for a drive, we're twenty minutes away.'

I showed Kellin and he nodded before leaving. I got dressed and thought about the idea of telling our fans. I mean, me and Andy are engaged and will be married, they're gonna find out sooner or later. I know if Andy and I tell them then there's a possibility out fan base will get bigger or smaller. I'm unsure about this.

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