Chapter Nine

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Okay so first I can't believe that just happened. Did me and Andy really just...? I couldn't think about it, I just continued to smile. As I sat I watched him put on his eyeliner thinking about how luck I was to have him in my life. Of course nothing was official but it was good enough for me. I couldn't help but to watch him. Suddenly CC came to the door.

"Let's go guys."

Thank God he didn't come in just a few minutes ago. I jumped from the couch running over to the door. Walking out I gave CC a high-five ready to start this show.

We walked to the back of the stage and were standing around to be announced.

We did our pre show chant that I got to pick this time. It took me a while to think about it. But when I was watching Andy I thought about it. I picked one of my favorite songs by us. The wretched and divine. The wretched decisions we made and were making. The divine pleasures this life delivered to us. It was perfect.

As we gathered in a circle I announced it. "The Wretched and Divine on three."

Together we chanted as if in harmony. "1, 2, 3, THE WRETCHED AND DIVINE."

Running out on stage tonight was most exhilarating. It wasn't like any other concert we had performed before. It was like everything was soo much better than normally they would be. As Andy sang I watched him jumping around on stage. He was having more fun than ever. He'd come over to everyone in the band as he screamed into the mic. He finally came over to me, he was looking dead into my eyes. I could have sworn he winked at me before turning around with a smirk.

This guy will be the death of me, at least I would be dying happily. As the CC began making the beat to the song Rebel's Love Song my hands started to shake. Not because I was nervous I never get nervous but because Andy's mic had given out. He looked as if he didn't know what to do. He came over to where I was and started singing. And in an instant moments our lips touched one another. This was going to get bad. But he didn't quit singing until the guitar solo came in. It was Jinxx's cue. As the stage tech threw Andy a mic he finished off the song.

When the concert was over we all rushed over to the back room we had after every concert to wait while they loaded the bus.

"Hey guys, wanna go chill out somewhere?" Jake was bored.

"Like where?" I got curious.

"Well, we could go to a bar or something."

"HELL NO!" CC interrupted. "Let's go go-cart riding." He had a huge grin on his face. CC was all about having fun.

"Sure." we all agreed it sounded like a good idea anyways.

We went and told Austin that we would be going out and that we would be back later. He became concerned because we had a gig in Houston the next day.

"We'll catch up it's only a few hours away. And we'll check into a hotel for the night." We were trying to convince him.

"You know, I don't really think that's a good idea." He was easily persuaded though.

"We'll text you the hotel and room numbers and everything. come on man, stop being a bitch." Andy was getting irritated.

Austin took a long sigh,"Fine go have fun. But if I don't hear from you guys by '11am' then I'm kicking your asses." He smiled. "Especially yours CC."

"Hey man, what can I say I'm a bad ass." CC took it as a compliment.

"Alright then, Have fun guys, see ya later."

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