Chapter 60

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Chapter 60-Last Chapter


Vic had me in tears after his speech. He was the only man I ever loved and I couldn't wait to be with him. I was hugged and greeted by everyone, they congratulated us on our relationship. I looked around for Ashley and Andy to do the same, but they weren't there.

'Hey, where are you and Andy?'

'We went to check on how Juliet is doing.'

I remembered her fall and got scared.

"Vic," I interrupted him from a conversation between him and Austin.


"Andy and Ashley are going to see about Juliet. You think we should go?" He thought for a second.

"Yeah, she may be a B-I-T-C-H." He spelled out. "But I wouldn't want anything to happen to her." He confessed. We left the party and were on our way to the hospital.

I was really scared about bringing the children to the hospital. They didn't have to be here, they're kids, they don't need to see anything that goes on in here. Vic said that he would stay in the waiting room with them. We got out and went inside, I went to the desk to find information about her.

"Kellin!" I heard Ashley shout.

I turned around and he motioned for us to come where he was. We went to them, they were in the visitors waiting room. I saw Andy sitting there in tears, Vic went over and stroked his back.

"It's all my fault. I didn't love her, but she doesn't deserve this." He choked through his sobs.

"What happened?" I asked Ashley.

"I don't know. They haven't told us anything yet." He explained.

"Wait, they told us something." CC said. He was holding Lauren in his arms as she cried.

"What happened?" I asked. I went over to them.

"The bitch is in a coma." CC exclaimed. It made Lauren cry even harder.

"CC you insensitive asshole." Lauren's proclaimed as she got up and left.

"Really CC?" Andy asked.

"Well it's true. It's actually quite funny. She gets everything she deserves." He started to laugh.

"CC don't say those things." Vic told him.

I held the kids close to me, they watched as everything unfolded. I couldn't let them see this.

"Hey, we're gonna go to the cafeteria." I told them.

"Okay." Vic waved goodbye to us.

I picked up Savannah and held Carter's hand. Ashley followed close behind. Carter continued to look back at Vic and Andy. He stopped and I looked at him questioningly.

"What's wrong?" He let go of my hand. I walked towards him and bent down. "Are you okay?" He turned and ran.

He ran over to Vic and Andy. He hugged Andy and held onto his neck.

"Don't cry uncle Andy. I love you." Andy hugged him back, clutching his shirt.

They sat there and hugged as Andy cried in his petite little arms. Ashley say back and watched in awe, Vic soon joined in. CC started to cry himself, which was new to everyone. Soon some old lady started to approach us.

"Friends or family of Juliet Simms?" The nurse asked. Everyone turned and looked over towards her. Andy whispered to Carter to come to me.

"Family." Andy lied.

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