Chapter Seven

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I saw him. I was awakened by this Adonis God coming into the room. He was wearing his towel around his waist. His hips dripping with water, I watched as the water dripped from his body. I reached my hand out to move the curtain a bit so I could see more. I pulled my hand back, scared he would see. He grabbed his clothes and left. The longing that I had. I wanted to see his naked body, I wanted to have it pressed against mine.

I got up to check on the others who were still sleeping. I sat up. Looking at my phone I went to my messages. The message I had sent last night he had seen it. I bet he must think I'm a fool. I can't believe I sent it to him.

I paced the room, continuously until I heard the door shut. Puzzled I looked out the bedroom door. Andy was gone. Where could he have gone to? I closed the door and ran to the nearest window. Almost hitting my head on it I saw Andy walking to Austin. What the hell was he doing?

I can't hear shit they're saying. Fuck. I watched as Andy soon walked away rubbing the back of his head.

I had to stop this was getting crazy. I went and showered. Trying to cleanse myself of all the impure thoughts I had going through my mind. I just could get the image of him in the towel out of my head.

I got out the shower to find that Jinxx and Jake had just woke up. CC was out cold. He was always the last to wake up though.

"Dude where's Andy?" Jinxx asked with his morning breath making me gag.

"You should try brushing your teeth before talking man. But I don't know I just got up a few minutes ago. He was already gone." I may have lied a bit but I didn't know where he was.

Jinxx went to shower leaving Jake on the couch bored. You could tell he was bored because he would play with his lighter. Slowly running his fingers across the flame. I watched a few minutes before going to get dressed.

I walked in the room making sure CC was sleeping still. He was. I put my black skinny jeans over my purple boxers. Then I looked for my favorite black tank. I searched for a couple minutes before finding it on Andy's bag. I started to think of why it was there until I heard CC start coughing. I put on my shirt, grabbed my eyeliner and left out.

I beat Jake to the bathroom after Jinxx got out. I brushed my hair out, and applied my eyeliner. Now to see where Andy went.

I climbed down the stairs of the bus. Trying not to be so anxious I approached Austin.

"Morning sunshine." He said with a smirk

"Enough of the sweet talk man. You want some just ask." I laughed.

"Can't wife won't allow." He snapped back.

I loved joking around with Austin. He always kept me laughing.

"You trying to catch up with Andy?" I wondered why he asked.

"For what?"

"He went in a coffee run, he looked stressed." He looked worried.

"Um I'll check up on him I guess." I wanted to smile but I just looked concerned.

"Thanks man, I could kiss you."

"Aww I knew you wanted me." I laughed. But in my head I only wanted to kiss Andy.

As I began to walk away he shouted:

"He went to that way." Pointing me to the direction where a sign read 'Monroe Street'.

I gave a thumbs up as I ran over to the sidewalk.

I walked for what seemed like twenty minutes until I saw Andy in the window of a coffee shop called Lana's Expresso.

He was sitting at a table drinking his coffee and on twitter it seemed like. I walked in keeping my eyes locked on him. He didn't even notice I walked in. I went to the counter.

"Can I have a the strongest coffee you got?"

The cashier looked intimidated but replied "Okay." He looked about 17 or 18. He was scrawny, his eyes reminded me of Andy's.

I paid the kid and went to sit down with Andy as I waited.

He jumped suddenly as I sat down.

"Damn, do I look that bad?" I asked smiling. "First the kid over there looks at me like I'm the boogeyman or some shit, now your jumping at my presence."

This made him laugh. Ohh how I loved his laugh.

"I'm just on edge today man. I'm sorry my mind has been wandering. It's hard for me to concentrate." He looked worried.

An awkward silence passed over.

"Hey, I'm sorry about last night-" I started. He interrupted though.

"No don't worry about it it's just that-." He stopped. Why did he stop?

The kid soon came over to give me my coffee. We watched him leave. I took a sip from my coffee.

Soon his phone began to chime. He looked scared as hell.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, you ready to go?"

I left out first waiting on him as he tipped the kid. We walked back to the bus and there was CC. This guy never got tired.

"What's up Bitches?"

He was laughing and pretending to play the drums. He has to be still drunk.

He began running around messing with the crew member as they set up. This was his way of helping.

"San Antonio won't know what hit them. We'll rock these motherfuckers all night." CC yelled so loud the police wanted to make sure he wasn't on drugs. We all laughed.

Got to love CC.

As we all went into the bus to get ready for the show which was in 8 hours we began practicing.

We loved getting early starts. We practiced for two hours before going in for sound check. Afterwards we had to really get ready. We got ready by having races. We would race in the parking lot. Going against each other until there was one winner. The winner got to pick the chant we would say before going on stage.

Andy won most of the times. CC was always a close second. Then Jinxx and I would tie for third. Jake never really won. He wasn't much of a runner.

As we left sound check we all lined up ready to race. First would be Andy and Jinxx. Andy won. Jinxx went against CC. CC won. Andy went against Jake. No surprise Andy won. He had those gazelle legs that allowed him to prance at the speed of light. Next I was up. I had to go against Jinxx. I won. Then I was to go against CC. Surprisingly I won because he nearly tripped. He probably was still wasted. Next was me and Andy. I became nauseated as I began to line up with him. CC shouted go I closed my eyes and took off. Hoping he would win. I came to the end of the parking lot and began running back but where was Andy? I finished and just as I looked back he was finished.

I won. Now I had to think of the chant we had to do.

I needed a break, better yet a beer.

I walked to the dressing room and laid my head down.

Here comes the show.


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