Chapter Sixteen

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So when I woke up I had no clue where I was at. I remembered what I had done, I'm soo stupid. This had to be the dumbest thing I have ever done. And I've done plenty of things like breaking my nose or breaking my ribs, or even the time I was attacked by that crowd and they took off my pants. None of that compares to what I did today.

The nurse and doctor walked in and checked everything.

"You have some visitors. We notified them that you're awake and they're waiting outside the door for you." The doctor explained to me.

When they left in came Vic and Kellin first. I was shocked to see Vic in a wheelchair.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked Vic, he smirked.

"I wrecked trying to get to your ass." He laughed.

"You wrecked? Wait how? This has been a hell of a bad day." I shook my head as best I could.

"Day? Andy you were in a coma for 2 weeks and 3 days." Vic looked worried. "I was in a coma too. But I got out of mine 3 days ago."

All I could do was stare at him, Kellin was trying not to look me in the eyes. I was in a coma for 2 weeks, I had to be badly injured.

"2 weeks? 2 weeks." I kept repeating it out loud and in my head. " I only remember being in the bedroom and what I did. I thought I was only out for a day." I wanted to run away now. I caused Vic to get in a wreck and crash because of his concern for me.

"Yeah it's been a pretty short 2 weeks for me, but a long 3 days without you." Vic looked at his hands.

"What? I'm confused. I don't understand." I closed my eyes.

"Andy you almost killed yourself." Vic told me.

All I could think about was where was Ashley? I wonder if he was the one to find me like that. Ugh I'm such an awful person to do this to people. I need to stop this and try to control my feelings.

Ashley. "Where's Ashley?" I was really concerned for him.

"He doesn't quite want to see you just yet. He's afraid and wanted us to tell him how you are doing instead." Kellin answered quickly.

"He's been really troubled about you being in the hospital and all." Vic explained.

"Ohhh." My mind slowly drifted to the thought of Andy being worried. Pacing the hallways, or his face covered in tears. Is this what I want to do to the ones I love? Even Ashley? To make them suffer from the stress of me being this way?

Vic brought me back from my thoughts, "There is someone who wants to see you though." I raised an eyebrow at this as a evil grin grew on Vic and Kellin's face.

"Who?" My curious mind wondered to Juliet. I hope it wasn't her.

"Hold on, I'll get him." Kellin kissed Vic's cheek and ran from the room.

Him that means that he might be getting Ashley..... But Ashley? They said he wasn't ready to see me. A few seconds later Kellin came back in laughing. I began to get butterflies in my stomach.

"ANDREW!" The voice called out before entering the door.

"Christian.? CHRISTIAN!" I confirmed as the beast came through the door. "Man what happen to you?" He came over and hugged me. His hair was messed up and looked as if he regretted to comb it or wash it for days.

"I've been worried sick about you buddy, I love you man. I never thought I would be able to tell you that again." He reached for my hand. "It's been a long couple weeks."

"When did you come?" I asked as he watched the heart monitor.

"I actually...... Um........ I was the one who uh, found you Andy." Kellin and Vic took this as their cue to leave.

"How'd you find me?" I closed my eyes and tried to ignore everything.

"Ashley left while you were in the shower and uh when I finished getting dressed I went to get a beer from the fridge. I took it to the living space and started texting Lauren." I tried to think of what happened while this was going on. "She called me to tell me about what her mom did and I got off the bus to get good reception. a few minutes after I heard a door close, and I got concerned for you. When I got on the bus to check on you I heard a loud 'thud'. I ran to the room."

He began to cry, I felt so horrible. He sat down in the chair next to my bed and laid in my lap and cried. I rubbed his back as best I could trying to ignore the pain. I did this, this is my fault. Tears fell from my eyes watching as CC, the most emotionally stabled person in the band, laid crying in my lap.

He started back, "You were laying face down on the floor. When I turned you over." He choked back the tears. "Blood..... It was everywhere. On my hands, clothes, and you laid there. You wouldn't move, your whole body was limp. Almost lifeless. I picked you up and carried you to the nearest car. I placed you in the back and hot wired the car. I sped down the highway trying to find the nearest hospital. On the way two police cars began to chase us. I would have enjoyed it but I was concerned for you. When I finally found a hospital it was 7 police cars behind me. I didn't care I needed to save you."

Poor CC, he had to go through all that trouble just to help me. As he laid in my lap crying, I tried not to think about how much worser it had to be for Ashley. I wanted to see him, I needed to see him.

"Hey CC can you do me a favor?" He lifted his head up.

"Sure. Anything man." He looked a bit confused.

"Andy!" Shouted a voice from the door. There entered a pale, red-eyed, Juliet. She ran to me and hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much, are you feeling okay babe?"

I don't want her, I need Ashley. I began to shed tears thinking about how I can't be with the one I love.

"I know, I'm happy to see you too." She smiled

"Well I guess I'll leave you both alone. I come back in a few Andy." CC walked out.

"Juliet I don't feel so good." I told her as she gracefully rubbed her hands over my face." Can you come back later?"

"Sure I'm just happy to see you, but I just got here." She seemed disappointed. "But if it's what you want then okay. I'll go get the nurse for you."

She left the room and images of Ashley kept roaming my mind. I was madly in love with him but Juliet was in the way. She couldn't understand through our texts that I wanted to break up. This sucked. I laid in bed for a few minutes before in walked the nurse. She took a needle and put some medicine in my IV which in a few seconds took me under into sleep.

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