Chapter 37

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I can't believe this is happening. I'm pacing up and down the corridor of the hospital waiting for how Vic is doing. He nurses are ignoring my requests to go and see him. They won't even tell me who his doctor is. I know I'm in a foreign country but I know they know what the fuck I'm saying.

I'm getting madder and madder by the second. Someone should have the heart and decency to come and tell me if he's at least awake now or is feeling better. It's like they're doing it in purpose, rushing past me with other patients and I'm just unnoticed. I just couldn't take it anymore.

"CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL MW WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MY BOYFRIEND!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. A lady came over towards me holding her hands out to calm me.

"Sir, sir. Calm down."

"No tell me what is fucking wrong with him?" I seethed.

"Take a seat sir."

"No" I interrupted her. "Please just tell me if he's going to be okay." I whined.

"Okay." She must have felt my pain. "I'll search him up. Please just sit." She told me.

I obeyed so that I could get on her good side and she'd tell me if he was okay.

"Now can you tell me your boyfriends name?" She asked I gave her a nod.

"Vic. Vic Fuentes. He came in half an hour ago." I informed her.

"Okay. Well if you're calm now, you can follow me over here." I nodded and she hesitantly turned away.

I was calm now that I knew I had the attention of someone. I followed her to the reception desk and she started typing and clicking on the computer.

"You said his name is what?" She asked sweetly.

"Vic. Vic Fuentes." I told her once again.

She typed it in and then smiled to me. "He's fine. And if you want to see you can come around here. The report says he is stable."

I wanted to be sure so I went around and looked at the computer screen. She was right my burden had been lifted from my chest. This was the best feeling ever. I hugged her and she was frightened but chuckled and hugged back.

"Thank you soo much." I told her.

"No problem. Would you like me to keep you updated?" I think she knew the answer to that.

"Yes of course. Would you?" She nodded.

"I will." She gave me one last pat on the back before releasing and I let go and pushed myself away.

She left to go and do her rounds of checking on other patients and I went back to my waiting lobby. I couldn't stop smiling from the fact that I know now that Vic is alright. I didn't know what to do, I should probably tell the others. I called CC and didn't really become fond of our conversation.

"What do you want douche?" He was pissed.

"What's your problem?"

"You. You and your friend. You guys are such hypocrites. I don't even want to talk to you." Next thing I heard was a dial tone.

I called Justin next only to get the voicemail recording. I decided that maybe Ashley had told them what I said, so I called the ones I knew would be there.

"Hey Mike, uh you know that trip me and Vic are on?"

"Yeah Andy. You two aren't getting too wild up there are you?" He must've heard too.

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