Chapter Eleven

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I feel soo used. He wanted me. I knew he had to, or at least I thought he did. After what happened in the dressing room he had too! But no he kicked me out of his room. That shows that he doesn't like me or maybe never did. He probably took pity on me. Ugh I feel so stupid I can't do this. I went over to the mini bar in the room. I grabbed the scotch, brandy, whiskey, and vodka. Fuck this I'm going to get wasted.

I called room service. This was the best I could do so why not?

"Um yes, room service? Can I have 2 cheeseburgers, some hot wings, fries, and some ice cream please?"

"Yes sir, is that all?"

"Yes it is."

"It'll be up in 20 minutes."

Great. Now I have to wait 20 minutes to get food. I hung up the phone and went over to the vodka. I got a small cup that was set up on top of the fridge. I sat down and poured it half full and threw it all back. It burned my chest like hell, but not as bad as what Andy did. Nothing could compare to that pain. I got up off the bed, dizzily a little. I poured me some whiskey in the glass and went to the chair a few feet from the bed. I sat down in it pulling my phone out.

I texted the one person I felt I could count on right now.

'He fucking threw me out of his room. He doesn't want me and never did. He used me even. I'm a fucking idiot. It worked for you two, but it can't help for us? What type of shit is that. It's not fair. We are perfect together. Our friendship is the strongest and longest relationship out of everyone's in this band. Yet we are just meant to sit back and not get what we want. I can't stand this shit. He's over me, I'll be over him real soon.'


I kept refilling the glass, waiting for me to pass out so I could end this nightmare. After a while I heard a beeping noise. What the hell was it? Oh yeah, my phone.

'Call me.'

"Sure I'll call you." I think I was really wasted to reply back to the phone. I dialed the number anyway.

"Hello?" the other end said.

"Hi." I answered.

"Now can you tell me what happen?" The voice called out.

I slurred my words trying to speak. "He kicked me out his room is what happened. I thought he liked me. We even fucked for God's sake in his dressing room before our concert tonight. I'm in love with this guy and have been and he's treating me like I'm some type of prostitute or something."

"Your drunk aren't you?" The voice sounded like my mom.

"Uh no." I hiccuped. Damn it.!

"Yes you are! Ashley look Andy does love you. He does. He said so you just have to hold on."

"Dammit Kellin! He doesn't can't you see that? He doesn't. What he says and what he did are two different things. The Andy that kicked me out of his room wasn't the Andy that said he loved me." I was fairly agitated.

"Whatever Ashley. Well I got to go I have to go to the studio tomorrow. Talk to you later man."

"Later Kellin. And sorry." My voice cracked.

"It's okay. Don't get too wasted though buddy. Night." And then line went dead.

Great! so he did like me. Or does but he's treating me like this. Why do things have to even he like this? We can make it so no one will know. Well Kellin would know, but who cares. Kellin wouldn't tell a soul, so that's okay. And the guys can never find out and if me and Andy just so happen to break up, which I doubt, we won't let it interfere. We can make this work if we tried. Why won't he try. I took another swig before passing out.

The next morning my alarm didn't go off but I was awaken by an angried CC. He was banging on the door like a mad man. I got up, regretting my decision as I got closer to the door.

"Man what the hell? You get drunk and pass out and forget you ordered fucking room service? What's gotten into you man? Your un-fucking-believable. Why don't you make yourself useful and get cleaned up? Damn you make me feel bad that I'm not a worser drunk. And I drink daily." He made himself smile as he left the room.

I got up and not having any clothes since they were all on the bus I did my best to freshen up. When we were done, we were to all report downstairs to the lobby, according to the group text Andy sent.

I made my way to the elevator thinking I was the only one. Jake came flying across the hallway to the elevator.

"Man oh man. I thought I was the last one up here." He chuckled. I cracked a smile.

When we got to the lobby everyone was already down.

"Ready to go guys?" Jinxx asked.

We walked outside the hotel and there was a limo already waiting on us. I climbed in Jake behind me, pushing me into the bus. I was still a bit sluggish from last night. As we got ready to go I noticed that Andy was looking down at his phone and every time a text came he'd die trying to reply back. It must have been Juliet, he was probably missing her. Great I'm just stuck all by myself while he thinks he can play with my emotions. I can't believe him.

When we got to the venue the trailers, bus, and workers were already setting up. We all hopped out the limo and went to the bus to get showered and changed. Jinxx wanted to go first, we let him because his smell was worst than all of ours.

When it was my turn to shower I brought my phone inside with me. I texted Andy. I know I probably shouldn't have but I did.

'Hey look Andy I'm sorry. I thought that we were having some type of connection or something. I didn't know but now I see that we can be nothing more than friends and I'm okay with that I guess.'

I laid my phone down, I wasn't going to send it yet. After I showered and had the towel wrapped around my waist I got the phone. I opened the door and just like I suspected Andy was looking at his phone. But it was CC's turn to shower, he went into the bathroom while I went into the bedroom. I sent the text.

I wanted to take it back immediately after I sent it. I heard his phone vibrate a bit. What had I done? I heard Jake and Jinxx tell Andy they would be back in a bit. The door closed a few seconds afterwards. I hurriedly put my boxers and pants on. When I was getting ready to put my shirt on the door opened. I thought it was CC but it was Andy. He came over to me and leaned in. Putting all his strength into his lips as he pushed me back onto the bunks. After a while he stopped kissing me and stumbled back.

"Don't you ever feel sorry for what happened." He sounded a bit mad. "I enjoyed it, I loved it, I love you." That made my heart jump. "I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to break this to Juliet or at least break up with her." He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands.

"Andy I'm sorry I just felt used because at the hotel when you kicked me out I thought you didn't want me anymore."

"No, never." He rubbed his hand across my cheek before pressing his lips to mine. "I love you Ashley."

"I love you too Andy." I did. And I meant it and maybe he did too.

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