Chapter Fifteenth

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I couldn't believe Vic was saying these things to me. They were true though, I couldn't help but cry. I was to blame for him being in that hospital bed.

"I'm sorry." I cried more.

"Sorry? Sorry won't help. You weren't even by his side. You were with Mike and Kellin the whole time. You don't care about him, you never did or else you would have been with him. CC was with him. You should be the one lying in that bed and like that, not him." He cried as he raged on.

I was with him though. When I first got here, I couldn't handle seeing him like this though. I went and talked to Mike the whole time, I blamed myself for this. I was to blame, it was all my fault. Andy didn't deserve this and I don't deserve him.

"Your right." I told Vic. "I thought that I could finally be happy in my life with Andy in it. I just wanted us to be like you and Kellin."

"Wait, you mean to tell me you and Andy had a relationship going on and that's why he's like this?" CC asked with a raised eyebrow.

I sighed. "Yes."

"Great. Fucking great." He threw his hands up.

"I'm sorry." I got up and walked away. I couldn't handle this anymore.

I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I pulled out my knife, took my jacket off, and cut my wrist twice. The marks from the past 2 weeks piled up on my arm. I can't believe this is even happening.

'Kellin, I'm sorry about everything that has happened. Vic is right it is my fault Andy's like this. I couldn't help myself though, I love him and still do. He's the only thing I want in this world. I can't bear to see him suffering like the way he is. I'm such an asshole for doing this to him.'

I sent it. I put on my jacket and climbed onto the sink. I couldn't help thinking about that day, he had just came in and kissed me and told me he loved me. I started to cry again, I've been doing it since I've been here. I haven't left the hospital since Andy got here.

I wiped my eyes and looked to see if Vic or CC was still there. They must have went to the cafeteria with Mike and Kellin because Andy's room was empty. I went inside and looked at him. His chest was rising up and down, he looked soo peaceful. I craved to see him open his eyes so I could see that everything would be alright. I wanted to get lost in his deep, ocean blue eyes. I took his hand and kissed it, and looked at his sleeping face. I kissed his lips and began to cry.

I've snuck in this room only twice and that was while CC was sleeping in the chair across from the bed. This was the first time I was finally alone with him.

"I love you." I told him and started to cry. "I've always loved you and I always will. Please just wake up for me Andy. I need you, I can't make it knowing you're like this. I can't and won't love in this world alone without you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I jumped at the voice and turned around. It was Vic and Kellin. He pushed Vic in the room.

"Tell you what?" was he here the whole time? I don't even care I hope he heard everything I said.

"Why didn't you tell me that you loved him this much? I thought you could care less." He looked upset.

"Well you didn't ask. I've always loved him. I really wish this was me instead of him, I deserve it." I looked back at Andy.

"Can you give us a minute?" Vic asked Kellin. When Kellin pushed Vic towards me he left. "Kellin showed me your text, and all the others. I didn't know you felt that way. And then CC told me about how he caught you sneaking in to see Andy some nights."

I felt a bit ashamed at this, I didn't know he noticed me coming in. "Well I love him Vic. The day this happened he came into the bedroom while the guys were busy and told me he loved me too. I've been the worst person ever."

"No don't beat yourself up about this. I was wrong, he deserves you and you deserve him. If it makes you feel better I can show you the text messages he sent me about you?" I shook my head 'yes' at this. "Kellin." He screamed. "Can you bring me my phone please?"

Kellin took a phone out his back pocket and handed it to me. "He really does care about you Ashley." Kellin patted my shoulder and left.

"I'm sorry about what I said again. And that doesn't deserve to be you. Because if it were Kellin would have died knowing that you were like this, and Andy would have suffered worse than you are now." Vic tried to suck up his tears.

I hugged him and patted him on the back. I then unlocked the phone and went to messages. The first name that showed was Andy's. All his messages between him and Vic were dated back to 3 years ago. He really did care about me, I cried as I read every other message he sent Vic that said he was in love with me. I even laughed and cried at the ones where he said he wanted to 'fuck the shit out of me.' which he gladly did.

When I finished reading the messages I handed Vic the phone back. Turning to Andy I cried again. "I love you more than my life or anything on this earth." I kissed his cheek.

"Babe!" Vic called for Kellin. He was in the bathroom so he didn't hear him. I decided to push Vic around. "Thanks." He said with a smile.

"No problem, thanks for letting me see that. I needed it." I smiled as a year came down my eyes.

We went to the bathroom and waited for Kellin to come out and went down to the cafeteria. Mike came and took Vic from me as I went to sit down. This was the worst and best day of my life. To know that the person I love most in this world really loves me is the best thing in the world. I ate a cookie and a sandwich with a monster as the other guys talked.

I couldn't think about anything but Andy.

Three days passed by, we were in the cafeteria.

"Can Victor & Mike Fuentes, Kellin Quinn, Christian Coma, and Ashley Purdy please report to the ICU at once please."

We all looked at each other in confusion. We got up, Kellin pushed Vic, and we went to the elevator. Vic was officially released yesterday but he still had to be in the wheelchair because of his leg.

When we reached the ICU hall there was the doctor and nurse by the secretary's desk.

"Are you the friends and family of Mr. Andy Biersack?" He questioned.

"Yes we are." Vic answered before anyone.

"Well we are happy to tell you that Andy has had no brain damage whatsoever, nor does he have any amnesia. He woke up about twenty minutes ago, but was in some pain. We gave him some morphine to subside the pain. He was put to sleep for a bit, but within an hour or two he'll be awake and you can see him."

"Thank you. Thank you soo much." I jumped over to the doctor.

He laughed. "No problem, it's what I do. And by tomorrow he will be moved to the second floor to recovery. Have a great day." He smiled as he and the nurse left.

We all began to scream and cheer. "Let's go tell the others." Vic shouted.

Only up to five people were allowed in the hospital per patient. And since Vic just wanted to come to this hospital for treatment to see Andy he was considered a visitor. So the five of us were the only ones allowed. Me and CC were put as family and Kellin, Vic, and Mike were put as friends.

The other guys stayed at a hotel waiting for us to bring Andy home. We got on CC's phone, he was the only one smart enough to bring his charger so his phone was charged. We called Jinxx's phone to FaceTime, and told them about Andy. They cheered at the good news. We then called the other guys to tell them Vic was okay.

When we finished talking to them we couldn't stop ourselves from smiling. Vic voted that we all go in to say 'hey' to him and then let me get a few minutes alone with him. I was sooo excited. I couldn't wait to see him. This was going to be great, the anticipation was killing me.


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