Chapter 63

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**Kellin's P.O.V.**

"Come on, we have to be quiet." I yelled at Vic and Ashley.

"Then why are you yelling?" Mike asked.

"Shut up." I simply told him before I heard the latch of the bus door turn.

In walked Austin, he was sweaty and had his black Of Mice & Men tank on. The bus was dark, but the yellow '&' sparkled in the moon light. When he flicked the lights on, the action began.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouted, jumping up and causing him to stumble over.

"Thanks." He laughed as he regained his balance. I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"Happy Birthday man." I told him, giving him the biggest hug.

"I should have known you would've done this." He said as he pulled away. "Thanks."

"No problem. The kids want to tell you though." I pushed him in the way the kids and Vic were standing.

"Happy Birthday uncle Austin." Carter and Savannah said simultaneously.

"Thanks my little munchkins." He picked them up and gave them a hug. It was absolutely adorable.

When Vic was in the UK, he had met Austin at the hotel he stayed at. Austin ended up coming to the party that Mike threw Vic when we got back. He decide to stay in the U.S. along with his boyfriend Alan. They moved to Florida together, but we kept in touch. Me and Austin became great friends, we were nearly closer than Ashley and I were. The only difference was me and Ashley had sex.

While in Florida, Austin and Alan decided to create a band. They didn't want to be broke and thought that it was fun since me, Vic, Andy, and Ashley were doing it. We got him a record deal and they were a hit. This is their first time doing a tour, but they have many others after this one.

I watched as the kids jumped on Austin and played with him. He was so good with kids, that's why we made him the God-Uncle. He and Savannah were the first to get along. Carter was skeptical, but when he found out that he and Austin were birthday buddies, he accepted him. Austin's birthday was a day before Carter's.

"Can I take them to get some cake? There is cake right?" Austin asked as he held Savannah in his arms.

"Yes, there's cake." I laughed. "Look on the counter." I pointed.

He nodded and went over to the counter, sitting Savannah and Carter on there. He screamed and covered his mouth as he started to laugh and snort at the same time.

"You put my squidgy on here." He yelled.

"We had to." I shrugged my shoulders. Alan passed me to go look. I watched as they both cut the cake and Alan kissed Austin.

"They're cute together. They were that way back in the UK." Vic whispered in my ear.

"Remember when we were like that?" I asked him as I turned to him and he grabbed my wrist.

"Aren't we still that way?" He questioned.

"Well sometimes." I thought about it. "We've just been stressed and I don't think it's been the same." I explained.

"You're kind of right. Maybe we should go out on a date or something." He suggested.

"Okay." I agreed. That wasn't such a bad idea. I did want to rekindle our relationship.

"Hey Kellin, come get some cake." Austin yelled, motioning for me and Vic to come.

"Come on." I grabbed his hand and went through the partially crowded bus. I went and stood beside Savannah and Vic stood in front of Carter.

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