Chapter 50

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I can't help but beat myself up over this. If I had just called one of them or told them when I got home, then this wouldn't have happened. I'm lying on Andy's chest and secretly crying into his shirt. We're all watching Vic and Mike cry on the floor, holding each other. It gave me the worst thing I've ever seen, and I was the cause of it.

Kellin had crouched down in the corner and sat in fetal position, crying. Andy was holding on to me as he cried, this was all my fault. We stayed like this for a while before Vic stopped crying and sighed. He stood up and let out a deep breath.

"Vic, what are you doing?" I looked at Andy's face, he was scared and concerned for the well being of his friend.

"I think I need to lay down. I'm going home." He waved goodbye and walked out the door.

Mike quickly stood up and acted fastly. "I'll come with you!" He screamed to Vic.

"No I want to be alone." He called back.

Mike came back in and was filled with sorrow. I don't think I've ever seem him this sad. Kellin got up and went out into the hallway, following behind Vic. He must have didn't care that he wanted to be alone. I wiped my eyes and my movements made Andy look at me. I pushed away from him to sit up, I looked over at Mike.

"I'm sorry Mike." I spoke up. He held up his hand though to tell me to stop.

"Not now Ashley." He started pacing back and forth in the room.

"How did all of this even happen?" Andy questioned.

"I have no clue, I was just-" he stopped as Kellin came into the room holding his face and crying through his other hand that covered his eyes.

"Kellin." I was in pure shock, I couldn't say anymore.

"What? Why?" Andy asked.

"It's okay. I'm fine. I'm gonna go for a walk." He didn't take his hand from his eyes or cheek until he left the room.

"Damn." Mike said.

"What?" Andy and I asked in unison.

"I've never seen Vic this mad." Mike said as he tangled his hands together and placed them on his head.

"What do you mean?" Andy asked. "He's been mad plenty of times before."

"Yeah, but not enough to hit Kellin. That's the second time in the past few hours, he has hit him." Andy and I looked at each other worriedly.

"He hit Kellin?" I asked.

"Yeah, the first time was in my room, Kellin tried to explain to him but Vic didn't buy it. He hit Kellin and made him fall down on the couch. He even hit me." Mike quit pacing. "I'm scared. This isn't my brother." Tears ran down his face.

"We have to do something about this." Andy told him.

In a few seconds, Doctor Sykes walked in with his chart. The room grew silent and we all turned our attention to him.

"Uh, Andy, you are officially cleared and are free to go." He smiled.

"Thanks." I said as he turned to leave the room. I got up and began to help Andy out of the bed.

"Also," he turned to Mike. "Don't forget to bring your brother here for a routine check up. It's his first one and he can't miss it."

"Uh, about that, he might not be able to make that doc." Doctor Sykes looked confused.

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