Chapter 52

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I've been trying to calm Ashley down, he's taking everything harder than I am. I don't want him upsetting Vic, he's had enough troubles. I pull him into my chest and rub his back like you would a small child. I hesitate before I rock him and tell him 'everything will be fine.' I just hope, everything is fine.

"How can you stand this?" I quit rocking him and look down at his swollen eyes.

"Because I'm trying to stay strong for you and Mike. I've been enough trouble. I caused this by telling him. So the least I can do is comfort you two." I half heartily smiled at him.

"Andy, no. You don't have to do that." He sat up and wiped his tears.

"No, it's alright. I'm done crying. I just want to support you guys and give Vic my undivided attention." I picked up his hands and pulled him into my arms.

I kissed his salty water lips, he hesitated slightly before giving in. I didn't want this kids to end, it wasn't a kiss of passion, it was one of desperation. I pulled back and looked at Ashley, this must be horrible for him to go through. I wondered where Mike was, he could be doing worst.

"Let's go find Mike." I patted Ashley's leg and took his hand.

He nodded slowly and got up. I let go of his hand and started to walk, I looked back to see he didn't move. I went over to him, kissing his cheek lightly, and grabbing his hand, I pulled him with me. With or fingers locked together we walked down the hall to Vic's room.

I peered in to see Mike was in the chair next to his bed, Kellin was asleep in his arms. I don't blame him, it's been a horrific night for all of us. This had to be hard for Kellin anyway, just getting proposed to and then your fiancé is suffering. We stood at the door, patiently waiting for Mike or Vic to notice us.

"It'll be fun, you'll love it. The guys have already been setting it up, it'll rock. There's going to be some performances by our friends, speeches given, and I'll even have a cake bought just for you. Anything you want big bro, you name it." Mike said with a grunge smile.

"That's so generous and sweet Mikey, but I don't know. Do you really think that I can survive your massive partying?" He told him.

"I don't know. But I'll be by your side through it." Vic held up his hand, Mike high fived it and grabbed it, never letting go.

"I love you Mikey."

"I love you too Vic." Just at that moment Vic saw us at the door and smiled hopefully.

"Come here Andy." He told me. I didn't hesitate, I let go of Ashley's hand and walked forward. Mike got up from his seat, offering it to me. I refused to cry in front of him.

"What's up man?" I smiled as if nothing was wrong.

"I just want to see you, is all. You look like your feeling better." I felt tears come to my eyes.

"I am better, and I'll be even better when you're better." I said as a year cascaded down my cheek.

"I will be." He grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb lightly across it.

"You know, the doctors are going to let you get out this afternoon." I tried to sound as excited as possible.

"Really?" I looked back at Mike and turned back to Vic.

"Yes. And we're going to go home. We'll fly back this afternoon." I promised.

"That sounds great." He sat up and Kellin inched down to his lap.

"Yeah, it'll be great." Mike came over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I know. I'm just sorry for this whole thing you guys. I'm sorry that you have to put-" he started.

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