Chapter 53

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I finally got released from the hospital, it was relieving to not be crowded in a stuffy hospital room. We had gone back to the hotel and packed all of our things so we could head back to San Diego. I loved that we were going home, I just didn't love the way I had to go.

Being in a wheel chair, everyone gave me sympathy, and special treatment. Just because I'm in a wheelchair doesn't mean I should be treated any differently. At the airport, I got to board first, everyone tried to be nice to me. Even some fans of Pierce The Veil treated me weird. The only person I wouldn't allow to do that is Kellin.

No matter how useless I was or incapable of doing something, I would not let him show me pity. He didn't take too well to that, but he slowly adjusted to it. I felt bad enough for him having to marry someone with one leg, I wasn't about to let him waste his life helping me.

When we arrived in California, Andy helped me off the plane and carried me luggage.

"Vic, I can carry your things for you. It's no problem really." He said as we walked out the airport.

"Kellin, no." I told him.

"Vic, come on. Please just let me." He whined.

"Kellin no, I don't want you to do anything for me. It's fine. Mike can carry it." I looked at him from my chair and he pouted. "I love you."

"I love you too." I took his hand and he smiled.

Mike had sense enough to leave his car at the airport when he caught his plane to see me. We got in, Mike and the guys made me sit in front, I didn't mind. The thing that bothered me was that they were squished, kind of, because some of the bags couldn't fit in the trunk with my chair. I apologized for it.

I only lived at least half an hour from the airport. The drive was longer this time because Mike had to stop and get gas. Also, we hadn't eaten anything, so everyone wanted to stop and grab something. I didn't feel like eating, I didn't feel like doing anything, but Kellin fed me some of his chicken strips from Wendy's.

When we got home, CC and Justin had fucked up my house. There was trash all over the living room and beer cans sprawled throughout the kitchen. It was hard, but Mike carried me up the stairs and Andy carried my chair. We walked through the halls and looked in all the rooms. Justin was in my and Kellin's room, with no one, thankfully. CC, however was in the guest room with Lauren.

"CC, what the hell?" Mike screamed. When he stayed here, that was the room he slept in.

"Oh hey guys." CC said with a smile as he woke Lauren up.

"CC how in the he did you and Justin manage to fuck up my entire house?" I yelled. He sat up and you could tell they both were naked.

"Well, technically, the entire house isn't fucked up. We kept you and Kellin's room clean." He smiled sweetly. "Why is Mike carrying you?"

Mike turned my body to show him I was missing a leg. His face turned to utter remorse and I saw sympathy come to his eyes.

"I'm fine. Don't say anything. Just clean my fucking house." I rolled my eyes at him and patted Mike to leave.

We went into my room next, Justin was lying stretched out over the bed. Mike carried me around and placed me on the bed. I looked at a sleepy Justin and saw he was cute sleeping, but he drooled.

"Wake up dumb fuck." I shook him. His head popped up.

"Hey, your back. I missed you guys." He sat up and yawned.

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