Chapter 21

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I can't believe that happened. I loved Andy with all my heart, he's my best friend. I just never imagined that this would happen. Fuck! How am I going to explain this to Kellin? I began pacing through the bus, Andy was just in the next room. I had to leave though, I couldn't possibly let that escalate to something more. He was drunk and didn't know, everything's going to be okay.

I couldn't stop pacing, then there was a knock on the door. I prayed that it wasn't Kellin, I couldn't possibly tell him what just happened. I held my breath as the door opened and someone stepped on the bus. It was just CC and the guys.

"What's up Vic?" CC questioned my nervousness.

"Oh, um nothing. I was just checking on Andy. He got drunk. But how did your night go?" I tried to change the subject.

"It was good. We kind of almost got arrested by the cops because of someone." Jinxx glared at CC who smiled like an innocent child. "So we just came back so we wouldn't get arrested." He continued.

"What did you do this time CC?" I tried to look disappointed in him.

"Nothing." He said bluntly. "I was framed."

Jake laughed. "Yeah framed for almost committing a violation of public nudity."

"CC!" I gasped. This guy was crazy amazing. He always knew how to have fun, so I really wasn't that surprised.

"Well I was bored. But now I'm sleepy so I'm going to bed." He stuck his tongue out before going to the bedroom door. Walking in and closing it behind him.

"Wow, what's wrong with Andy?" Jinxx asked pointing to the empty vodka bottle.

"Uh he and Ashley had a little fight. He'll be okay." I reassured. "But hey, I'm gonna let you guys get some rest. So I'll see you all later." I told them. I waved bye and said goodnight as I was getting off the bus.

"Vic! Vic!" Someone called after me. I climbed back up the stairs.

"Yeah?" I asked looking confused as to who I was talking to.

"Vic!" Someone screamed again. It was CC, I walked over to the bedroom door and opened it.

There sat a broken Andy. His face in CC's shirt and he was hysterically crying. When I stepped in he looked at me with blood shot eyes. His face was puffy and red. My heart broke just by looking at him.

"Andy." I spoke softly. He just continued to stare at me. "Come here." I told him opening my arms for him.

He slowly left CC and came into my embrace. He began to cry more, I patted his back to soothe him. He couldn't hardly breathe, gasping to try and catch his breath.

"Andy, breathe. It's okay, just breathe." I told him. He started to take long breaths.

"Vic I messed up." He said through his cries.

"Uh CC, could you give us a moment?" I asked.

"I would but I'm super tired. I'm sorry." He said solemnly.

"It's okay. Come on Andy let's get you to my bus." I told him as I helped him up.

"Need any help?" Jake asked as I walked out of the bedroom and was reaching the door.

"No, I got it thanks. Why don't you guys get some rest? You guys look exhausted" I told them to distract them.

When I got to the door Andy began to groan in pain. I felt bad for him to have to deal with physical and emotional pain. When we got off the bus, the breeze gently swept across us. My bus had been parked two cars down. I helped Andy there, carrying him up the stairs, and laid him down on the couch. I looked around and was relieved to notice Kellin hadn't made it back. We had decided to go and comfort our friends instead of letting it be.

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