Chapter 58

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I hadn't slept in days, but I awoke to find my precious darlings in my lap and Kellin in my arms. This was the best thing ever, I smiled knowing I could wake up like this forever. I stayed and took the time to enjoy this. Moments like these are special, and should be held on to. I could get use to this.

I watched as Carter was bundled up to my chest under the covers. Savannah did the same in Kellin's lap, she was an angel. I loved both of them already like they were mine. I watched as Kellin slept in my arms, I worried about him. I wondered what he would do if I end up leaving. My thoughts were interrupted by a stirring Carter, he sat up in my lap and looked at me.

"GoodMorning." I smiled at him. He was still sleepy but smiled. "You hungry?" He nodded.

He hopped out my lap and stood by patiently, waiting for me. I took my phone out and got ready to text Andy. I stopped when I saw Carter staring at me, I put my phone on the table.

"Can you bring my chair here?" I asked him.

He nodded and went to the corner of the room and got it. I sat up as he closer, I used all my upper body strength and pushed myself up. Struggling I stood up, unbalanced though. I hopped a little to the chair and got in. He smiled at me and I opened my arms up to him. I picked him up and put him in my lap as I pushed us in the kitchen.

I was proud of myself, I pushed myself to do that. I wanted to prove myself and be a good father to Carter instead an incapable one. I put him on the counter and went over to the fridge, Kellin had bought groceries.

"What would you like?" He shrugged. "Anything you want." I told him.

"Can I have pancakes?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled and looked around and saw Kellin bought the batter mix.

I took out all the ingredients needed and Carter helped me mix. I poured the batter into a skillet and cooked them, I also made some bacon and eggs. I made myself stand up so that I could do these things, I don't want to give Carter the wrong signs. When life gets hard you have to fight it and that's what I'm doing. I set the table, pouring orange juice in cups and taking out the syrup.

"Pancakes done." Carter called.

I went in to check on them and they were done and some needed to be turned over.

"You're really good at this cooking thing." I have him a high-five him.

We were almost finished making the pancakes when Carter asked me a question.

"Do I have to call you daddy?" I looked at him with astonishment.

"Only if you want to. I'm fine with you calling me Vic, but I'll always call you my son." I smiled at him and he shyly smiled back.

"What about him?" He pointed to the living room where Kellin was.

"It's the same. You can call him Kellin or daddy. We don't mind. We know we aren't your real parents but we do love you just as much. Okay?"

"Okay." I got him down off the counter and gave him a hug.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you too, daddy." My heart had officially melted in his hands.

**Kellin's P.O.V.**

I smelled pancakes. Not only pancakes but bacon. I woke up to see that Vic and Carter were gone and that Savannah and I were still on the couch. Andy and the guys must be making everyone breakfast. I was about to wake up the little angel in my lap when she popped her head up and started smiling.

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