Chapter Two

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I can't believe this. I'm so fucking stupid. He doesn't even like me and on top of that I'm with Juliet I can't be doing this to her.

I'm looking at this guy and I just want to jump across the table and kiss him why can't I just control myself. I have to stop this urge. I begin to bite my lip, like that'll help maybe it will.

"Order 23"

Thank god. I get up and pat Ashley on the shoulder.

"That's us man."

I walk away I can't believe I just touched him. I walk over and get the coffees and we head back to the bus. As we are walking it's just awkward silence I hated it. But suddenly Ashley breaks it.

"Andy? Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you took a chance and did something risky?"

I started thinking this is it. I can tell him he's thinking exactly what I am. But I chicken out.

"Of course man, but life is about taking risks good or bad."

Shit I just fucking ruined it. Or did I? He could be trying to tell me something. I wait looking in his eyes, but he doesn't.

"Come on risk taker let's head back to the bus."

I say as I wrap my arm around him and walking the block to the bus. We laugh all the way back. I felt like a girl at her first concert being with him. If only he knew. We get on the bus and show the guys the coffee.

"About fucking time, I thought I was gonna die from a broken heart I need my baby."

"Oh CC your such a drama queen." said Jinxx.

"You know it girl." CC snapped back.

The whole bus shook with laughter this is what I would be missing out on if anything happened between me and Ashley.

We began to get bored.

"You guys wanna play something?" I asked vaguely paying attention to myself.

"Yeah man, I can rock."

CC was ready for anything he took out his drumsticks and began playing the beat to Carolyn. I began to sing while Ashley, Jinxx, and Jake got their guitars ready. we started playing together as a band finally.

"So here's my song I wrote in time, when it was needed

Through pain of heart or loss of mind, your burdens lifted

You aren't alone just know that I, can't save our hearts tonight."

I loved this song and I felt as though it needed a special person to be sung to. I looked at Ashley as he strum his guitar. I couldn't help myself. Then suddenly he looked up. I smiled and so did he and then continued on the bass.

He smiled at me.

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