Chapter 57

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I had left from Vic's so that I could get the party together. We had it all planned out so far, but we had to move the venue. It was going to be behind Vic's house, but that's the thing we don't want him to see it until it's ready. Out parents went on a cruise and I asked could we have it here, they agreed.

We spent all yesterday on it and today. It was planned for tonight, but since it's only been me, Jaime, and Justin doing it, it hasn't been finished yet. Tony and CC are out playing and other things, pretty much they're no help. I contacted all of out friends and I'm just ready to get this party started.

'Hey uncle Mike.' What's Vic talking about?

'Uncle Mike? Wait, Vic no? Your a dad? How did this happen?'

'Well Kellin and I adopted a beautiful BabyGirl and a handsome little boy. Savannah and Carter, Mike you should see them, they're perfect.'

'I'll come over later tonight, I would love to see my little niece and nephew. I'll even bring gifts.'

'Okay and Savannah's 3 and Carter's 7. Just to help you out on deciding. But I'll talk to you later going to therapy.'

'Alright man. Can't wait.'

"Guys you won't believe this." I told Jaime and Justin.

"What?" Jaime asked.

"Your girlfriend dump you?" Justin was mad.

He had just gotten dumped by his girlfriend Jessica. They had been on and off for 14 months. Every time they broke up, he would get a rebound and then mope around the next day.

"Nope." I said cockily. "I'm an uncle!"

"Congrats dude. Wait that means..." Jaime's voice trailed off.

"Yes, Vic and Kellin have kids. They adopted, a girl and boy. I can't wait to see them, I'm going this afternoon. You guys wanna go?"

"Of course." Justin was excited. "I love kids."

"Alright, well let's finish this and we can go. No one tell CC though, remember what happened last time."

"Okay." They agreed in unison.

We started hanging up the streamers and setting up the stage and sound equipment. Justin had stocked up on alcohol already, so there was no need to get that. CC had set up only one thing, the food. He had bought plenty of sodas, chips, cakes and junk, he was going to order the pizzas on the day of.

We were ready to start this party.

**Andy's P.O.V.**

I was inside the doctors room with Vic, we were waiting on the physical therapist to come. We just got here not too long ago but it feels like forever. I started playing flappy bird on my phone, Vic laughed every time I died. This game fucking sucks.

We started to take turns, he never played but kept beating my score. Whenever he would get close to five I would try and mess him up, but then I couldn't even pass the first pipe. Who in the hell created this game? When Vic started cheering from another consecutive win, the therapist woman walked in.

"Hi, I'm Mrs. Roberts and I'm your therapist. We are going to try and get you adjusted to getting in and out of the chair, and if there is enough time we'll start on standing. You'll be doing this every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Do you have any questions?" She looked at both of us waiting

"No." I said to get her to stop looking at me.

"Okay, well let's get started." She left, leading us to a huge room.

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