Chapter Eight

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So I couldn't stop thinking about that text. It made so much since that he sent me. It was like I was teen girl afraid of telling her crush she was in love with him. It couldn't be that hard. Could it?

I re-read the text over and over again while drinking my coffee, trying to clear my mind of last night's actions. It was sheer coincidence that he came to the coffee shop. Who am I kidding? I was hoping he would come. That's why I told Austin where I would be going. I saw him walk past me as he approached the counter. I looked up and saw him ordering, I began to get nervous. I looked down at my phone and acted as though I was on twitter and began to drink my coffee again.

I didn't notice that he had come over. He tapped my shoulder causing me to jump. He began to laugh at this.

"Damn, do I look that bad?" He was smiling. "First the kid over there looks at me like I'm the boogeyman or some shit, now your jumping at my presence."

I told him I was just a little jumpy. He sighed and sat down. After a few minutes of awkward silence he broke the silence.

"Hey look I'm sorry about last night-" he began but I interrupted I couldn't let him think that I didn't want that. But I couldn't tell him I loved him either.

"No don't worry about it it's just that-." I stopped. I couldn't tell him.

Suddenly the man came with his order of coffee. He looked really scared. He placed the coffee down and walked away. Ashley soon began to drink his coffee and looking very suspicious. I tried my best to not look at him I tried.

I couldn't help but to look at his beautiful face. I turned away as I heard my phone chimed. I became a little shaky as I read it.

'You know the only way that these things can be resolved is to tell him. You can't go your whole career/life wondering what if you had told him. Now come on you can't honestly think that he can read your mind and see what your thinking. Take a chance and live your life and love like your dying the next day. If you wanna fuck his brains out do it. God knows that's what I did. It was the best decision I ever made. Although the only thing that might cause worry is your friendship which is what we risked and in your case the band. Just don't let others know or get too involved that it destroys everything you guys worked to hard to accomplish.'

"What's wrong?"

I looked up at Ashley. He seemed genuinely concerned. "Nothing you ready to go?"

"Sure." he answered.

We got up to leave, I went over to tip the kid as Ashley walked out. As we walked down the sidewalk the silence was agonizingly annoying. I can't believe that this was how our friendship might be from now on. I couldn't let it be like this. Soon we got to the bus and sure enough the guys were already out.

We heard CC before we saw him.
"What's up Bitches?"
I snickered at him. He seemed still drunk. He began to air play the drums. He was laughing hysterically, he had to be drunk.

As always he started running around messing with the crew members. This was his way of helping, they loved it so they didn't mind.

"San Antonio won't know what hit them. We'll rock these motherfuckers all night." CC yelled so loud the police wanted to make sure he wasn't on drugs. This happened quite often to CC. But it still mad us all laugh.

We got on the bus hours before the concert was actually supposed to start. We started to practice. Playing for only a couple hours before we got called into sound check. Going through the set list everything worked out perfectly. I occasionally would look over at Ashley. He was so involved in playing that I doubt he noticed it.

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