Chapter 31

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I couldn't help but cry. We were on the plane and I was sobbing into the jacket of a concerned Ashley. Did they only do this as some sick way of revenge? I couldn't think straight, I just wanted to be in Vic's arms. I pushed myself away from Ashley's grasp and took my phone, once again, to text Vic.

"You can't keep doing this?" Ashley choked out. He had just got done crying to.

"Do you not understand how fucked up everything is right now? I've lost my boyfriend because of this." I started dialing his number, I got no answer so I texted him.

"Kellin, come on. You have to calm down please?" He was on the verge of crying again.

"Fine." I threw him my phone and laid back in the uncomfortable seat.

"Thank you." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"What did CC say?" I couldn't leave the subject alone.

"He was pissed. He thinks it was selfish and low for Vic and Andy to keep each other a secret and freak out when we did what we did." I clenched my teeth together to keep from crying.

I hated to even hear his name right now. I was filled with soo many emotions. Rage, regret, guilt, but none of it compared to the longing for Vic I so desperately needed.

**Ashley's P.O.V.**

"Do you think this may be revenge?" He looked at me curiously.

"I don't know. But I don't think Andy would make something up like that out of anger." I nodded in some sort of agreement with him.

"Well who knows." Kellin said as he took out his headphones.

He played music as we continued our flight. It didn't take as long as we thought it would but it was still agonizing. Being on a plane for five hours wasn't bad, it was just my thoughts made it bad. Kellin had gone to sleep an hour into the flight, I couldn't because of my fear of planes. I watched him sleep, the rise and fall of his chest. Thinking to myself what the hell am I doing? The flight attendant came and handed me a meal, it wasn't exactly good, but it would do.

It was some type of meat and mashed potatoes. I ate it anyway since I hadn't eaten anything all day. We were twenty minutes from landing, I couldn't wait. I was just ready to go forward with this vacation and really clear my mind.

I've always wanted to go to the Bahamas, it was considered the most relaxing place ever. I watched out the window as we crossed the crystal blue waters. They reminded me of Andy's eyes and I suddenly didn't feel so good.

I took a deep breath and tried to relax, at least until we got off the plane. I leaned forward and my head between my legs until my breathing relaxed.

"We will be arriving in the Bahamas in a matter of minutes, so if everyone will return to their seats and buckle up. I hope you enjoyed flying American Airlines. Enjoy your stay in the Bahamas." The intercom sounded.

I sat up, more relaxed, but more tensed. I leaned over and shook Kellin to wake him.

"What is it?" He groaned.

"We are about to land." I told him as I directed my attention to buckling my seat belt.

He sat up and yawned, stretching his arms outward. He looked out the window and as watched as we got closer to the waters.

"This is beautiful." He whispered. The sun was beginning to rise, sending rays of sunshine across the waters.

"Yeah it is." I said bluntly. I didn't really want to see the view, I only had Andy on my mind. I know it was wrong to think about him but I couldn't help but to.

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